54-Day “Spy to Spirit” Novena – “Detoxing the Devil”
54-Day “Spy to Spirit” Novena – “Detoxing the Devil”
Spy Wednesday (3-31-21) to Pentecost (5-23-21)
I have been saying, for some time now, that this past year has been “one big Spy Wednesday.” Like Judas and the “powers that be” of those times conspiring to gain power, affluence and control, this past year has felt much like the MOB in the arrest scene of Jesus in the garden.
I wrote this in a recent article:
Have we ever seen anything like we have seen, especially in the past year? Like gangsters, if you don’t comply, they will bully you (cancel you) … loss of job, loss of reputation, censorship, physical harm etc., etc. And, all they do is lie, cheat and steal. One can hardly watch mainstream media anymore, as everything out of their mouth seems to be a lie. The ruling class MOB is in league with media, Hollywood, TV, Big Tech, Big Corp, Universities and public schools. In the pursuit of power, affluence and control, they will indoctrinate, censor, bully, threaten, lie, cheat and steal. If ever there was an “organized” crime syndicate, this ruling class MOB is it! They seem to be in completely control.
And, I have been calling for the only POWER capable of overcoming this “Goliath of Gangsters” in our midst: WE NEED A HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL LIKE WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!
As I was praying and reflecting on scripture this morning, I said to myself: “I wonder.” Then I got my calendar out and started counting the days. Low and behold, it is exactly 54 days from Spy Wednesday to Pentecost. Then I said to God, “Okay, I hear You!”
Later in the day, today, I sat down and began to put “my plan” together. For the next 54 days, I plan to throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at this. I am calling out to – NO!, I am BEGGING – God to help us all to be as open as possible to the power of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost! “I DO believe! Help me with my unbelief!”
Below is how I laid out my plan. Mine is specific to me. “Effort brings reward,” and I am “offering up” the MOST effort I can garner as my prayer offering to Almighty God!
I realize this is short notice, but I only received all of this this morning. If you would like to join me, take some discernment time and fill in the blanks below with how you believe God is “specifically calling you” to “effort” over the next 54 days.
I will not be posting or emailing prayers and reflections. You can find the prayers HERE. If you want to include the reflections (not necessary), they are found this book HERE.
If you are not feeling called to join in this “Spy to Spirit” 54-Day Novena, know that I am praying for you!
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Daily Prayer Schedule & Habits
(Fill-in your own plan here)
Daily Eating Schedule & Habits
(Fill-in your own plan here)
Daily Exercise Schedule & Habits
(Fill-in your own plan here)