United States Grace Force “Battle Plan” for 2019 – God Wants You!
What if we were to grow a huge military of spiritual warriors? What if this military was comprised of some of the strongest Catholics in the United States … those who actually believe in the supernatural power of God? What if this mighty military force was made up of those who believed in the power of prayer, who believe in the power of the rosary, who believe in the power of sacramentals and devotions? What if this mighty force believed that it is only by the power of God, and our strength in the power of God, that our Church and our world will be victorious over the tactics of the devil?
Well, that is exactly what is happening.
The United States Grace Forceis comprised of all those who have ever signed up for our Spiritual Warfare campaigns, such as Novena for Our Nation, Nineveh 90 for Life, etc.. The number of U.S. Grace Force troops is now approaching 50,000. A recent report claims that the number of witches has grown to 1.5 million. Our goal is to grow this mighty Grace Force to a number and strength that overtakes witches, satanists and every other force that stands against the Will of God (Deus Vult!). You can read more about the U.S. Grace Force HERE.
The USGF is based and operated Worldwide, so USA citizenship is not required to be a member of the United States Grace Force.
Please enlist in the United States Grace Force, if you have not already. And, please, do all you can to recruit new enlistments for the U.S. Grace Force. Sign-up HERE.
Please join our USGF Facebook group: HERE
Here are the foundational Supernatural Strength Practices of the Grace Force:
- Believe in the supernatural power of God
- Protect (or quickly recover) your “State of Grace”
- Humble Obedience: Adhere to ALL teachings of the Church
- Morning Offering
- Mental Prayer
- Lectio Divina
- Go to Mass (Daily Mass, if at all possible)
- Pray the Angelus (6:00 a.m., noon, 6:00 p.m. daily)
- Daily Rosary
- Pray at Every Meal
- Frequent Confession: Keep your Confessions no more than one month apart
- Eucharistic Adoration (Dedicate some time each week for Adoration)
- Fasting (Fasting is a way in which the Lord gives the underdog victory)
- Marian Consecration
- Wear the Brown Scapular (or Scapular Medal
- Extravagant Use of Sacramentals and Devotions
- Examine Your Conscience Before Going to Sleep(Take a few minutes just before bed to review your day asking, “How have I behaved as a child of God?” It’s also a great time to look at that “dominant fault” you need to improve upon in order to become a saint. Conclude these few minutes of reflection by praying three Hail Marys for purity and then pray the “Act of Contrition”)
Battle Plan for 2019
Military tactics encompasses the art of organizing and employing fighting forces on or near the battlefield. As we enter into a new year, we are preparing for the art of spiritual warfare, and growing our troop strength.
Resolution Day: January 1 –Our culture has, traditionally, utilized the “new year” as a day to become resolved in implementing “action steps” for becoming the best version of ourselves. It is a perfect day for Catholics, as well. This day we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Mary is given to us as our Mother too. Mary, as Mediatrix of all graces, nurtures us and roots us on to become, through God’s grace, a better saint today than we were yesterday. Mary also gives us the very “KEY” that unlocks the doorway to a life lived in God’s amazing grace: “Do whatever He tells you”(Jn 2:5). NOW is the time to “get right” with God, and do all those things we know please Him. Make a plan, and get “God Strong” in 2019! We have battles ahead that will require “Strong Catholics!” That require the mighty United States Grace Force!
Novena for Life: January 14-22 – Our nation continues to move toward a Culture of Life. We need to work and pray as best we can! This is the Novena encouraged by the USCCB, and strongly promoted by the Knights of Columbus. This novena leads up to the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The United States Grace Force will join forces and will be emailing (and posting on social media) to their troops the daily prayers and reflections for this Novena for Life.
Exodus 90 for Men: January 21 – Easter Sunday –The United States Grace Force is strongly recommending Exodus 90 for Men. While not required for men, this is something the USGF believes to be an amazing challenge for men to consider for becoming “God Strong.” For information, go to Exodus90.com
54 Day Rosary Novena for Reparation: February 21 – April 15
“Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us;
he has struck us down, and he will bind us up” (Hosea 6:1).
For any of us who are tuned in at all, we know that the Church is in, possibly, her worst crisis ever. Fr. Carlos Martins recently articulated well this monumental crisis we face (read HERE).
On February 21, 2019, the Vatican is holding a meetingwith all of the Presidents of Catholic Bishops’ conferences of the world to discuss the issue of sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults. This past November, our own USCCB was asked to put on hold any action steps, related to this sexual abuse crisis, until this February 21 takes place.
We are now facing a time when, very possibly, we need the greatest call to prayer for our Church. Most importantly, as many bishops have already stated, this is a time to seek “reparation” for the many decades of some of the most egregious violations the Church has ever seen.
Providentially, February 21 is also the Feast of St. Peter Damian. St. Peter Damian (1007-1072), was a great ascetic and monk who was especially troubled by the clergy and religious of his time who failed in their duties, especially celibacy. Here are 12 quotes that help us to understand that St. Peter Damien could not be a better Patron Saint to call upon in this modern Church sexual abuse crisis: Read HERE. We will call upon St. Peter Damien during this 54 Day Rosary Novena for Reparation.
Consecration Day: April 16 –Consecration Day occurs on Tuesday of Holy Week. April 16 is also the Feast Day of St. Bernadette Soubirous. The Gospel for Tuesday of Holy Weekis the scene in which Jesus points out his betrayer, and warns our first Pope that he will deny him 3 times before the cock crows. What better day for us make reparation, by our Consecration, for the many betrayals Christ has had to endure, especially in the past 50 years!
Beyond Easter –Know that leaders within the Holy League of Nations, and other Catholic leaders, are praying and discerning together plans for the coming year, beyond Easter. These plans look to include such things as Eucharistic processions and 40 Hours Devotion. Please pray for those who are, presently, in this discernment period.
I’m Going In!
Find everything you need for the United States Grace Force at RomanCatholicGear.com
I’m Going In!
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)