BREAKING! Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider Announce Crusade of Prayer and Fasting
As reported by Edward Pentin at the National Catholic Register:
Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have issued an eight-page declaration warning against six “serious theological errors and heresies” they say are contained in the Amazonian Synod working document, and calling for prayer and fasting to prevent them being approved.
They propose that clergy and laity “pray daily at least one decade of the Holy Rosary and to fast once a week” for such intentions over a 40 day period, from Sept. 17 to Oct. 26.
The working document, called an instrumentum laboris, is meant to guide discussions during the upcoming Oct. 6-27 synod of bishops whose theme is: Amazonia, New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology.
Read the full article at National Catholic Register.
The United States Grace Force (currently, over 57,000 enlisted), along with Holy League of Nations (currently, over 50 nations allied together) are dutifully responded to the call from Bishop Schneider and their Patron, Raymond Cardinal Burke.
The Plan:
- September 17 – October 26 (40 Days): Add this intention to your daily rosary: “Prevent approval of serious theological errors and heresies.”
- September 17 – October 26 (40 Days): Add a day of fasting. Recommend Fridays and/or Wednesdays.
- September 29 (Feast of St. Michael) – October 7 (Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary) (9 Days): Add the Chaplet of St. Michael.
- October 6 – October 26 (Amazon Synod in Rome): Per Bishop Strickland call, add the Novena to the Sacred Heart with the intention stated in #1.
More to follow. Stay tuned.