I Highly Recommend Doug Barry’s Timely Initiative!
As you know, I have teamed up with my very good friend, Doug Barry, for the Grace Force Podcast. I’ve known Doug for many years, and I have always been

Rosary Coast to Coast & National Rosary Rally – October 11, 2020
What Can We Do? The US in 2020 is a country on the edge: a global pandemic; violent protests, vandalism and looting; destruction of Church, state and private property; rejection

Grace Force Podcast Episode 60: The Rosary – The Great Dragon Slayer!
The Rosary – The Great Dragon Slayer! Father Calloway’s book, “Champions of the Rosary” (order HERE) not only offers a clear presentation of the history of the rosary, but also

Day 54, Novena for Our Nation – No Cross, No Crown!
DAY 54 – OUR LADY OF VICTORY, PRAY FOR US NO CROSS, NO CROWN! No cross, no crown. No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. St. James summons us

Day 53, Novena for Our Nation – The Precepts
DAY 53 – OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP, PRAY FOR US THE PRECEPTS The Precepts of the Catholic Church are a description of the absolute minimum actions required of Catholics

Day 52, Novena for Our Nation – Power of Prayer
DAY 52 – OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PRAY FOR US POWER OF PRAYER The heroes of our faith are the warrior saints who have gone before us. God worked mightily

Day 51, Novena for Our Nation – “Seeking Harmony”
DAY 51 – OUR LADY OF FATIMA, PRAY FOR US SEEKING HARMONY There are actually three wounds that ravage souls and bring spiritual death to them by turning away from

Day 50, Novena for Our Nation – Go Weapons Hot!
DAY 50 – OUR LADY OF AMERICA, PRAY FOR US GO WEAPONS HOT “Go Weapons Hot” is a military command that means to make whatever preparations are necessary so that

Day 49, Novena for Our Nation – Living a Supernatural Life
DAY 49 – MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE, PRAY FOR US LIVE A SUPERNATURAL LIFE Surveys by Gallup, the National Opinion Research Center, and the Pew Organization conclude that spiritually committed

Grace Force Podcast Episode 59: The Dogma Lives Loudly Within Us!
The Dogma Lives Loudly Within Us! “When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it