
Day 45, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – You Are a Commissioned Officer

DAY 45 – MARY, QUEEN CONCEIVED WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIN, PRAY FOR US   YOU ARE A COMMISSIONED OFFICER Admission into Christ’s elite fighting force begins by knowing that by your

US Grace Force to Deploy Powerful Chaplet of St. Michael

POWERFUL WEAPON!! Yesterday, an Exorcist came to exorcise and bless our church property. Nothing creepy is going on, just felt it was way overdue. He asked me to follow him

Day 44, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – The Warrior Ethos

DAY 44 – MARY, QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS, PRAY FOR US   THE WARRIOR ETHOS The Soldier’s Creed of the United States Army states: “I am disciplined, physically and mentally

US Grace Force “Secret Weapon” – Padre Pio Power Prayer

US GRACE FORCE BANNER PEN Padre Pio’s “Secret Weapon” When someone asks you to pray for them, why not pray with “Padre Pio Power”? When I heard that the Sacred

Grace Force Podcast Episode 7: Kevin Wells

In this episode of the Grace Force Podcast, Father and Doug talk with Kevin Wells about the need for catholic priests to better own their Faith, and get into the

Day 43, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – O.I.L. ~ Obedience In Love

DAY 43 – MARY, QUEEN OF VIRGINS, PRAY FOR US OIL – OBEDIENCE IN LOVE How then are we to prepare our restless hearts to receive the power of the

Day 42, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – You Made Us for Yourself

DAY 42 – MARY, QUEEN OF CONFESSORS, PRAY FOR US YOU MADE US FOR YOURSELF The unfortunate reality is that the modern campaign of militant secular indoctrination has been so

Day 41, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – God Strong

DAY 41 – MARY, QUEEN OF MARTYRS, PRAY FOR US   GOD STRONG The U.S. Army ran a very effective “Army Strong” advertising campaign to recruit soldiers. The key message

Day 40, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Divine Connection

DAY 40 – MARY, QUEEN OF APOSTLES, PRAY FOR US   DIVINE CONNECTION The Gospel story Pope John Paul II sets as the foundation for his new millennium appeal is

Day 39, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – One Thing Necessary

DAY 39 – MARY, QUEEN OF PROPHETS, PRAY FOR US   ONE THING NECESSARY Pope Benedict XVI said, “The heart open to God, purified by contemplation of God, is stronger