Grace Force Podcast Episode 155 – The Rosary – The Spiritual Weapon for Our Times
The Rosary – The Spiritual Weapon for Our Times The power of the rosary as a spiritual weapon has been realized and embraced by Catholics and non- Catholics for centuries.

Day 3, Novena for Our Nation – Hope
DAY 3 – HOLY VIRGIN OF VIRGINS, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF HOPE! GOD’S WORD “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for

Day 2, Novena for Our Nation – Faith
DAY 2 – HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF FAITH! GOD’S WORD “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

Day 1, Novena for Our Nation – Perfection
DAY 1 – HOLY MARY, HELP US TO STRIVE FOR PERFECTION! GOD’S WORD “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 4:48) HEROES’ WORDS “If you

Grace Force Podcast Episode 154 – Novena For Our Nation – The Battle of Our Lives!
Novena For Our Nation – The Battle of Our Lives! What can be said about the times we are living in, that would accurately describe how serious it is that

Grace Force Podcast Episode 153 – Bear Woznik – Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
Bear Woznik – Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? Our world is in need of strong, focused, men of God. Men who will not take the easy way out when

We’re Going In! Novena for Our Nation: August 15 – October 7
WE’RE GOING IN!! “When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it is an army

Grace Force Podcast Episode 152 – Dr. Dan Schneider – Charlie Mike “Continue The Mission”
Dr. Dan Schneider – Charlie Mike “Continue The Mission” Satan’s first move, beginning in the 1970s, was the “dismantling” of the treasures of our faith. He removed what inspired souls to

Grace Force Podcast Episode 151 – Fr. Michael Lightner – Only One Thing Is Necessary
Fr. Michael Lightner – Only One Thing Is Necessary Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. One thing is necessary. Jesus says this to Martha and to us.

Grace Force Podcast Episode 150 – Fr. James Altman – Masculine Strength is Enticing
Fr. James Altman – Masculine Strength is Enticing Let’s face it, we are living in the “Participation Trophy” era. For most of our culture, children are being raised by spineless