USGF Prayer Campaigns

Day 8, Novena for Our Nation – Temperance

DAY 8 – MOTHER INVIOLATE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF TEMPERANCE!   GOD’S WORD “Do you not know that, of those who run in a race, all of

Day 7, Novena for Our Nation – Courage

DAY 7 – MOTHER MOST CHASTE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE GIFT OF COURAGE!   GOD’S WORD “Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes,

Day 6, Novena for Our Nation – Justice

DAY 6 – MOTHER MOST PURE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE GIFT OF JUSTICE!   GOD’S WORD “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who

Day 5, Novena for Our Nation – Prudence

DAY 5 – MOTHER OF DIVINE GRACE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE GIFT OF PRUDENCE!   GOD’S WORD “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.”

Day 4, Novena for Our Nation – Love

DAY 4 – MOTHER OF CHRIST, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF LOVE!   GOD’S WORD “Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in

Day 3, Novena for Our Nation – Hope

DAY 3 – HOLY VIRGIN OF VIRGINS, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF HOPE!   GOD’S WORD “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for

Day 2, Novena for Our Nation – Faith

DAY 2 – HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF FAITH!   GOD’S WORD “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

Day 1, Novena for Our Nation – Perfection

DAY 1 – HOLY MARY, HELP US TO STRIVE FOR PERFECTION!   GOD’S WORD “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 4:48) HEROES’ WORDS “If you

Sharing My Divine Inspiration With You – Get Strong, Pray Hard & Keep Hope Alive!

The photo for this article was taken at sunrise atop the lookout tower at Blue Mounds State Park. The super-imposed image is that of the sculpture of Regina Pacis, located inside

We’re Going In! Novena for Our Nation: August 15 – October 7

WE’RE GOING IN!! “When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it is an army