USGF Prayer Campaigns
Fr. Chad Ripperger Teaches How We Are to Fight Back Against the Satanic Mob
Fighting Back Against the Satanic Mob Doug Barry and I interviewed Fr. Chad Ripperger, this week, on the Grace Force Podcast. You will be able to view the podcast this

Day 2, Novena for Our Nation – Faith
DAY 2 – HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF FAITH! GOD’S WORD “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

Day 1, Novena for Our Nation – Perfection
DAY 1 – HOLY MARY, HELP US TO STRIVE FOR PERFECTION! Read about this “Get Strong” Novena HERE. GOD’S WORD “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Last 54 Days of 2020 – We Do NOT Accept Defeat! No! Let’s Get Strong!
I’m Fighting Back, 2020! After the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was quoted as saying: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping

St. John Bosco’s Two Pillars Will Save Our Nation – Please Pray With Us
Jericho March with the Two Pillars At the very beginning of this year, I put out a call (See HERE) for all of us to heed the revelation St. John

US Grace Force to Do Battle with Witches on November 2
US Grace Force to Do Battle with Witches on November 2 Witches now outnumber Presbyterians in America as the number of Pagans soar to 1.5 MILLION. Since the beginning of the Trump Administration (February, 2017), the

US Grace Force to Do Battle with Witches on Halloween
US Grace Force to Do Battle with Witches on Halloween Witches now outnumber Presbyterians in America as the number of Pagans soar to 1.5 MILLION. Since the beginning of the Trump Administration (February, 2017), the

Spiritual Warfare Campaign in Lead Up to November 3 Elections
Different Levels of Spiritual Warfare This is the approach we are taking, in the lead up to the 2020 elections. Depending upon your state in life, you will be able

Adoration for Our Nation, A Nationwide Day of Prayer, November 3, 2020
Adoration for Our Nation A Nationwide Day of Prayer 3 November 2020 Let’s unite our country in prayer on election day Across the nation people are anxious, neighbors against

Saint Patrick’s Lorica for Protection and for President Trump
According to the Huffington Post … A document making its rounds among the witch community [throughout the internet] is asking people who practice the craft to perform a monthly binding