Idols & Witches, October 27, 2019 – A Day that “May” Live in Infamy
Friends, many of us (who are tuned in) are “punch drunk” by what is occurring in our Church and in the world, and it all seems to be culminating on Sunday, October 27, 2019.
In Rome, pagan idols are being venerated right inside our churches. A report has come that the Holy Father issued a formal apology about these idols being confiscated from the one of these churches stating, “As bishop of this diocese, I apologize to those who have been offended by this act.” He also suggested that the pagan idols would be present at the closing Mass for the Amazon Synod in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday. Whatever the Holy Father’s intentions, the optics are causing ruinous ramifications around the world. Many are asking, in horror, “Why are pagan idols venerated, in paraliturgies, inside the Vatican?!”
At the same time, thousands of witches will be casting a “binding spell” on President Trump, as Sunday, October 27 (some did this on Oct. 25) is a waning crescent moon (see HERE). Witches now outnumber Episcopalians in America – 1.5 million Witches, 1.4 Episcopalians.
This, while reports are coming in from exorcists around the world that point to increased satanic activity within the bowels of the Church, while the prelates of our Church seem unfazed by the startling new statistics of unbelief in the Real Presence, as the mass exodus continues within the Roman Catholic Church.
The closing Mass for the Amazon Synod in St. Peter’s Basilica is on Sunday at 11am (Rome time). That is 4am CST. I plan to pray my rosary at 2:45am.
Here’s how I will be praying tomorrow. Will you join me?
- Rosary (2:45am CST) (changed one hour back, as Rome moves their clocks back one hour tonight)
- Conclude rosary with St. Michael prayer against the strangle hold of the radical liberal Ruling Class in the culture and the Church
- Sacred Heart Novena Prayer with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider’s intentions for the Amazon Synod
- St. Jude Novena Prayer with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider’s intentions for the Amazon Synod
- St. Patrick’s Lorica Prayer to counter the Witches’ binding spell on our President
- Prayer of Reparation by Bishop Schneider (below)
- Pray, with all my heart, during Sunday Mass, offering my Communion for our Church!
- Pray throughout the day (Jesus Prayer): Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Bishop Schneider writes (See Bishop Schneider’s Letter of Condemnation HERE): “With tears in one’s eyes and with sincere sorrow in the heart, one should offer to God prayers of intercession and reparation for the eternal salvation of the soul of Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ on earth, and the salvation of those Catholic priests and faithful who perpetrated such acts of worship, which are forbidden by Divine Revelation. One could propose for this aim the following prayer”:
“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, receive through the hands of the Immaculate Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary from our contrite heart a sincere act of reparation for the acts of worship of wooden idols and symbols, which occurred in Rome, the Eternal City and the heart of the Catholic world, during the Synod for the Amazon. Pour out in the heart of Our Holy Father Pope Francis, of the Cardinals, of the Bishops, of the priests and lay faithful, your Spirit, who will expel the darkness of the minds, so that they might recognize the impiety of such acts, which offended your Divine majesty and offer to you public and private acts of reparation.
Pour out in all members of the Church the light of the fulness and beauty of the Catholic Faith. Enkindle in them the burning zeal of bringing the salvation of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, to all men, especially to the people in the Amazon region, who still are enslaved in the service of feeble material and perishable things, as they are the deaf and mute symbols and idols of “mother earth”, to all people and especially to the people of the Amazonian tribes, who do not have the liberty of the children of God, and who do not have the unspeakable happiness to know Jesus Christ and to have in Him part in the life of your Divine nature.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you the one true God, besides Whom there is no other god and no salvation, have mercy on your Church. Look especially upon the tears and the contrite and humble sighs of the little ones in the Church, look upon the tears and prayers of the little children, of the adolescents, of young men and young women, of the fathers and mothers of family and also of the true Christian heroes, who in their zeal for your glory and in their love for Mother Church threw in the water the symbols of abomination which defiled her. Have mercy on us: spare us, O Lord, parce Domine, parce Domine! Have mercy on us: Kyrie eleison!”