The 10 “Coincidences” Since US Grace Force Began Praying in 2016
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” -Mark 11:24
Since 2016, we have witnessed a RADICAL shift in the momentum of America. One “coincidence” (God-incident) after another. As much as the radical secular Left is unhinged, we all know it is because they have never felt more threatened and more helpless than they do right now. Satan no longer has a “greater power,” as long as we cling to God’s supernatural strength; as long as we BELIEVE God will answer our prayers.
Thank you all for your deep faith that knew “It’s Time!” And your willingness to say, “I’m Going In!”
Let’s recap …
2016 Novena for Our Nation
In the days leading up to the 2016 election, tens of thousands of people (at least 40,000) joined together for a very powerful 54 Day Rosary Novena called, “Novena for our Nation.” The online prayer campaign went from August 15 (The Feast of the Assumption of Mary) to October 7 (The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary).
The first “Coincidence” occurred just as we began to pray together. In the first week of our 54 Day Novena for Our Nation, the campaign of the Presidential candidate who would defend life was faltering, and it went in a completely different direction which included, among other things, the dismissal of Paul Manafort, and the hiring Kellyanne Conway, who is a daily Mass goer and Adorer. Mrs. Conway was hired on Day One of the Novena for Our Nation.
2nd Coincidence: On October 7 (Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary), we concluded the Novena for Our Nation. That very same day, the Wikileaks were made public.
3rd Coincidence: As the election drew near, many saw the media attacks as severe, and it seemed the polls were not looking in favor of a future Presidential candidate who would defend life. We then all prayed a St. Jude Novena (Oct. 20-28), leading to the Feast of St. Jude, who is the Patron Saint of lost causes. On October 28, on the Feast of St. Jude, F.B.I. director James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
In the final nine days prior to the election, we prayed the “National Novena” with the Knights of Columbus.
4th Coincidence: To the surprise of almost everyone in the world, the pro-life candidate wins the Presidential election. Imagine the momentum of our country, had Hillary Clinton and the pro-death regime not been stopped!
2017 Novena for Our Nation
Again, it is difficult to dismiss the astonishing synchronicity in what has been transpiring in our culture and Novena for Our Nation, where over 50,000 people from around the nation prayed a 54 Day Rosary Novena that beseeched God to heal our nation and bring about a profound spiritual renewal.
5th Coincidence: God Gifts the World with His Purifying Light! The volcano of exposés erupted with the first, which was Harvey Weinstein on October 5, 2017. This was just two days before the conclusion of the 54 day Novena for Our Nation, and just nine days (a novena of days) before the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima. This catapulted us into the #metoo movement, and a tsunami wave of exposés would rapidly follow within every major institution, including the Church.
October 5 was also the Feast Day of St. Faustina.
In St. Faustina’s diary, she relates how our Lord told her,
“I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732)
Providentially, on October 7, 2017, as the whole world looked on (New York Times article), a grassroots call for prayer, in mostly Catholic Poland, grew to one million strong in what was called, “Rosary on the Border.”
2018 Nineveh 90 for Life
An estimated 50,000 pro-life warriors offered prayer and mortifications. This 90-day prayer campaign began on January 1 (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God) and went to March 31 (Holy Saturday).
6th Coincidence: In the very first week of Nineveh 90 for Life, we witnessed, at the Golden Globe Awards, Hollywood … yes, Hollywood … take a firm stand against the sexualization and objectification of women. WOW!!
This was, especially, noted in the “modest” clothing worn by the women in attendance. Yes, I know, many will say they have a long way to go toward modesty. But, if you compare the conservative attire of this year to the provocative attire of last year, it looked more like a gathering of Amish … in comparison.
Setting cynicism aside (trying, at least), is this the dawn of a new era of purity and a “true” appreciation of women’s “sacred dignity?”
Fr. Robert Fromageot, F.S.S.P. once wrote …
“The leading lights of our age often claim to champion the rights of women, and in certain respects the claim is legitimate. At the same time, however, our age has clearly not sought to protect and foster the sacred dignity of women. On the contrary, society would have us remove our wedding garment, divest ourselves of Christ, and put on the “old man” and make ample provision for the flesh. Men are practically encouraged to treat women as mere objects of pleasure, and women are encouraged to seek this degrading form of attention and accept it as normal and compatible with their dignity. Men and women, but especially women, have become desensitized to using contraceptives, choosing abortion, and embracing sterilization. In short, our society no longer respects or values the gift of fertility; society no longer honors the unique privilege of being a woman. Consequently, it no longer cultivates the responsibility that necessarily accompanies this gift, this privilege. This collective failure on the part of society has wreaked havoc, and it is far from certain that we shall recover and escape dissolution and destruction.
Yet, here we are. As I said, Hollywood, backed by the mainstream media, has taken a very strong stance against the objectification and sexualization of women. Where this will go from here, nobody really knows. But, I believe Hollywood and the media have just boxed themselves into a corner, and must commit to some very obvious and revolutionary transformations, if they are to be taken seriously, at all. Imagine the ramifications toward a pro-life culture, once women are no longer treated as an object for men’s pleasure!
The more the United States Grace Force prays, along with millions around the nation and the world, the more fierce becomes the forces of Satan.
Virginia Coda Nunziante, the leader of the March for Life in Italy, said:
“Abortion is the blood sacrifice that the devil asks of today’s societies, and when you try to hinder, reduce or fight it, the devil unleashes even more violent campaigns in order not to lose ground.”
This is truly leading up to a “Spiritual D-Day!”
7th Coincidence: In just the first 25 days of this 90-day prayer campaign, we witnessed the Trump administration demonstrate they are totally dedicated to moving our country in the direction of pro-life …
- President Donald J. Trump was the first President to directly address the March for Life
- President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 22, 2018, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day
- US House passed The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
- The Senate confirms Pro-Life Alex Azar as the newest HHS secretary
- The Senate approves Trump Nominee Pro-Life Gov. Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador
- Trump administration creation of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division of Health and Human Services to protect religious freedoms of medical professionals.
- Cecile Richards stepping down as Planned Parenthood head
- Senate to vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
- President Donald J. Trump clears the way for States to de-fund Planned Parenthood
This was also the period of time when we were called to look more closely at the significance of St. John Bosco.
While many know of St. John Bosco’s dream of the two columns that will save the Church, another St. John Bosco dream/prophecy is less-known, which can shed light on interpreting the dream of the two columns.
The dream/prophecy ends as follows:
“There shall yet come a violent hurricane. Iniquity is at an end, sin shall cease, and before two full moons shall have shone in the month of flowers, the rainbow of peace shall appear on earth … Throughout the world a sun so bright shall shine as never seen since the flames of the Cenacle until today, nor shall it be seen again until the end of time.”
You can read all about this HERE, but it is amazing to see that on March 31, as the second full moon (blue moon) in the month of flowers appeared, which was the final day of Nineveh 90 for Life, and when we saw tens of thousands of God-fearing souls make their Marian Consecration – also the day chosen to announce/launch Rosary Coast to Coast – it was also the day the Vatican reported the following …
Vatican News Reports:
“As the sun set on Holy Saturday, a symbol of our Easter hope in the Resurrection appeared over St. Peter’s Basilica.” -Vatican News
2018 Novena for Our Nation
And now, by God’s purifying light, the swamp is being drained at a striking rate. According to Monica Crowley, “The swamp is the ruling class and it’s comprised of the elites on all sides of the political spectrum (This also applies to the ruling class within the Church). Why has it always dominated despite repeated attempts by noble patriots over many years to try to chip away at its monstrous power? The short answer is that the swamp controls all the levers of power in this country (and in the Church), and they have the capability and the will to destroy anyone and anything that threatens its grip.”
By the grace of God, and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, evil sees its power diminishing and, as a result, we are seeing a gigantic temper tantrum from every force of evil. According to Monica Crowley, “Because finally, finally this country has elected someone not of, by, and for the swamp, someone who owes them nothing and does not fear them: Donald J. Trump scares the living hell out of the ruling class. Having failed to destroy their nemesis during the campaign, they have now redoubled their efforts to kill his presidency.”
8th Coincidence: While tens of thousands prayed the 54 Day Rosary Novena from August 15 (Feast of the Assumption) to October 7 (Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary), more and more evil was being revealed. On the very eve of Day One (August 15) of the 54 Day Rosary Novena, the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report on Catholic Church sex abuse went public. August 14 is the Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Patron Saint of Novena for Our Nation and Rosary Coast to Coast.
9th Coincidence: Seven days later, on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, Archbishop Vigano penned his explosive 11-page letter exposing cover-up of sexual abuse in the Church at the highest levels.
It was during the final 9-days of the 54 Day Rosary Novena that we were exposed to some of the worst of evils. Radical secular forces were willing to destroy a man’s life – Judge Kavanaugh – in order to preserve their great sacrament of baby killing. It was during this time that we all called upon St. Michael and his army of angels, by way of the very powerful Chaplet of St. Michael. As horrifically evil this attack was, truth and goodness won out.
10th Coincidence: On October 6, the First Saturday of the month, Vice President Pence made it official – the Senate voted in favor of Judge Kavanaugh – at precisely 3:00pm CST (not 2:59 or 3:01). Also, this was “exactly” 24 hours, to the minute, before the Worldwide Rosary. This is monumental, as it is possibly the most conservative constitutional Supreme Court since 1934. This means that, for a generation to come, radical secular forces will not be able to abuse the Supreme Court to implement their evil anti-God agenda.
Evil became very aggressive in the final days, leading up to October 7, as the “Arch of Baal” was planted on our Nation’s Capitol grounds. The Arch of Baal was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it remained there until September 29th (Coincidence – the day we all started praying the Chaplet of St. Michael). Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress, and the seemingly demonic hearings occurred while the Arch of Baal remained planted on the Capital grounds, concluding on the Feast of St. Michael.
Baal is one of the seven princes of Hell. According to Christian demonology, Baal was ranked as the first and principal king in Hell, ruling over the East. Both Baal and Moloch are associated with child sacrifice and the lust for power. It has been pointed out that an arch is a “gateway”, and many are concerned that erecting this arch may be an open invitation for the entity or entities that were originally associated with this arch.
Planting this Arch of Baal on our Nation’s Capitol grounds is not unlike planting a flag to claim possession of a land. As Washington, DC is our Nation’s Capitol, evil was claiming all of America. This could not go unchallenged.
When our team looked to reserve a spot on the Capitol grounds, several months prior, for the October 7 National Rosary Rally, it is usually all about what area, of many areas, happens to be available. I was hoping we would end up on the same site as the arch. Well, I compared the photos of the Arch of Baal and the spot of the National Rosary Rally, and it appears we did, in fact, “happen” to land on the very same spot. Look at the statue (see arrows) seen in both photos in the background.
I knew we needed to reclaim surrendered territory, and we did. First, we had an exorcist with us who did an “exorcism of place” over all of our Nation’s Capitol. He told me he did it twice, for good measure.
Then, at the conclusion of the National Rosary Rally in front of our nation’s Capitol, I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors, present, to accept this mission ….
I brought out 100s of bottles of very powerful Epiphany Holy Water & Salt that was exorcised and blessed by Fr. Z in an hour long ritual on the Vigil of the Epiphany. Exorcists claim this is especially powerful stuff. Also, I brought 100s of Green Scapulars touched to a Relic of the True Cross that was rescued during the 1944 Normandy D-Day invasion (read about it HERE).
I asked the 100s of Special Forces Prayer Warriors there to take these and go about the Capitol grounds, blessing with Holy Water and Blessed Salt and hide the Green Scapulars everywhere.
The photos below were sent to me by one of the many, many groups following these orders.
I asked them to be discrete, as not to alarm security there, but some were questioned by security (and ended up with a nice selfie … see below).
We reclaimed surrendered ground, and now we await, with great hope and BELIEF to see what God will bring as the next mission to …
Make America Holy Again!
Find everything you need for the United States Grace Force at RomanCatholicGear.com
I’m Going In!
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)