The Holy Name of JESUS … Are We at the “Right Rally?”

by Fr Richard Heilman | January 3, 2025 8:25 AM

The Holy Name of JESUS … Are We at the “Right Rally?”

In my spiritual discussions with close friends, I have tried to describe the rise of the diabolical in the past ten years (give or take) by summing it up to, “We were not even allowed to say the ‘J’ word openly.” I would go on to clarify that the ‘J’ word was the name of JESUS.

We watched as an alarming amount of people, particularly young people, were drawn to Satanic and Wiccan cults. This seemed to be blithely dismissed as a “new normal.”

At the same time, it became widely accepted to believe that we can transform ourselves into someone different than what God had created us to be, which directly contradicts what we have believed and taught as followers of Christ since Day One. In other words, an immutable teaching defied.

This diabolical possession of our culture became so entrenched and in control of the narrative that if anyone dared to draw us back to truth, they were brutally castigated. This, while all around the few who stood for truth … those who should have stood with them, hid in silent self-protection. This is SO SO SO much like the arrest scene of Jesus, when His close-in friends took off running. Our first pope ended up denying he even knew Jesus three times.

I thought about this as I was recently reading what happened to my dear Bishop Morlino in 2017, the year before he died. A multi-media assault (and even a petition to have him removed) was leveled upon him as he attempted to keep his Church in the truth, amidst this rise of “new normals” that was dictating how the Church’s teachings MUST change. Bishop Morlino received much more silence than support from those who should have stood with him.

In the years following this, anyone – ANYONE – who advocated for the two primary ways we will, once again, “Unite at the Foot of the Cross” … TRUTH & REVERENCE … have been immediately attacked by the “Radical Atheist Tyrants” (RATs) as extreme, or even “Dangerous.” It appears, even by the FBI.

At the same time, spiritual leaders remained silent, or even ingratiated themselves with the RATs by punishing the few “Bishop Morlinos of the world” by silencing, destroying there reputation and even cancelling those offending the RATs.

It seemed a “turning” occurred in the past weeks and months. Who can forget the two young men who, at a certain political rally, bravely called out the name of JESUS. They were immediately told, “You’re at the wrong rally.” This seemed to shake us all out of our slumber.

Now, it is almost striking how many athletes, during recent interviews, are working in praising God by calling out the name of JESUS. More athletes are kneeling in prayer before and/or after their games.

Not just athletes, but we are seeing words like, “prayer, God, faith, etc.” being spoken openly in public. After what we have been subjected to, over these past ten years or so, it is pleasantly “shocking” to hear the forbidden spoken openly once again.

Let’s face it, like the first disciples, we abandoned Jesus and He was put to death. Or, so it seemed. BUT, He rose again, and then He gave us a reprieve and asked Peter, our first pope, three times, “Do you love me?” And so, the Church was borne, after a monumental lesson was learned. We WILL stand with you Lord!! Even unto death!!

The lesson? WE ARE AT THE RIGHT RALLY, as we unite at the foot of the cross!!

WE WILL, in all charity, stand with TRUTH & REVERENCE, whether we speak this openly or support those who do.

I am hopeful that a kind of “cultural exorcism” is taking place, and the demonic possession of the RATs is being cleansed.

Let’s never again deny our Lord and Savior!! Let’s UNITE as we all speak, openly, the name of JESUS!!!


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