Grace Force Podcast Episode 77: Join Us for Lent – We’re Going to Expel Demons!
Join Us for Lent – We’re Going to Expel Demons! We had the great pleasure to invite the talented and dynamic Kari Sherman on to the Grace Force Podcast. As

This Lent, Join the Grace Force! We’re Going to Expel Demons! We’re Going In!
America Needs Deliverance! On July 1, 2020, Church Pop posted an article from exorcist, Msgr. Stephen Rosetti, that sounded an enormous alarm bell: “AMERICA NEEDS DELIVERANCE!” “I love America….but it

Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Face
THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS “I firmly wish that my face reflecting the intimate pains of my soul, the suffering and love of my heart, be more honoured! Whoever gazes

Grace Force Podcast Episode 76: Three “Let Freedom Ring” Priests
Three “Let Freedom Ring” Priests Appear the Grace Force Podcast The three “Let Freedom Ring” priests come on this week’s episode to discuss the new book they co-authored together. On

Let Freedom Ring: 40 Days Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil
ANNOUNCEMENT!! Lent 2021: February 17 to March 28 – 40-Days to Freedom from the Devil Beginning on Ash Wednesday (February 17), tens of thousands will be joining together for

3 “Let Freedom Ring” Priests Appearing on Grace Force Podcast!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to capacity concerns, the “in-person” event with the 3 priests at St. Mary of Pine Bluff on February 1 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. This virtual event on the