U.S. Grace Force Basic Training Episode 2 – I’m Going In!
U.S. Grace Force Basic Training – Be Strong! Fear Not! Be Opened! What does it really mean to deny yourself and take up your cross? One of the most stirring

Day 31, Novena for Our Nation – Recon
DAY 31 – MARY, ARK OF THE COVENANT, PRAY FOR US Join us for Rosary Coast to Coast! In the Battle of Lepanto, the Turks believed Christianity had become so

Day 30, Novena for Our Nation – Sanctify Yourself
DAY 30 – MARY, HOUSE OF GOLD, PRAY FOR US Join us for Rosary Coast to Coast! In the Battle of Lepanto, the Turks believed Christianity had become so

Day 29, Novena for Our Nation – Summoned to Courage
DAY 29 – MARY, TOWER OF IVORY, PRAY FOR US! Join us for Rosary Coast to Coast! In the Battle of Lepanto, the Turks believed Christianity had become so

Grace Force Podcast Episode 262 – Exorcist Talks About Hope in These Desperate Times
Grace Force Podcast – Exorcist Talks About Hope in These Desperate Times The diabolical escalation in our world right now is as real as ever. Exorcist Fr Dan Reehil, joins

Day 28, Novena for Our Nation – Draw Your Strength From the Lord
DAY 28 – MARY, TOWER OF DAVID, PRAY FOR US! DRAW YOUR STRENGTH FROM THE LORD “We belong to the Church Militant; and she is militant because on earth

Day 27, Novena for Our Nation – Chastity
DAY 27 – MARY, MYSTICAL ROSE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CHASTITY! GOD’S WORD “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye

Day 26, Novena for Our Nation – Continence
DAY 26 – MARY, SINGULAR VESSEL OF DEVOTION, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CONTINENCE! GOD’S WORD “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and

Day 25, Novena for Our Nation – Modesty
DAY 25 – MARY, VESSEL OF HONOR, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF MODESTY! GOD’S WORD “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance

U.S. Grace Force Basic Training Episode 1 – Be Strong! Fear Not! Be Opened!
U.S. Grace Force Basic Training – Be Strong! Fear Not! Be Opened! While our streets were burning as many trembled in fear, while we were locked in our homes and