3 “Let Freedom Ring” Priests Appearing on Grace Force Podcast!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to capacity concerns, the “in-person” event with the 3 priests at St. Mary of Pine Bluff on February 1 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. This virtual event on the Grace Force Podcast on February 3 is replacing the original event.
On January 27, the announcement came that the 3 priests who led 75,000+ this Summer through a 40-day training for freedom from the devil, had just made this available in book form (co-authors). You can see the January 27 announcement HERE.
Already, suppliers are having difficulty keeping up with the enormous demand of so many seeking to purchase this amazing book.
You can order your copy of “Let Freedom Ring” at RomanCatholicGear.com.
Lent 2021: February 17 to March 28 – 40-Days to Freedom from the Devil
The plans are to get as many prayer warriors as possible to join together in this “40-Day Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil” during Lent this year. This goes to our great desire to become well-trained in the art of spiritual warfare.
Please get your book and plan to join tens of thousands in this very needed and well-timed training, as the devil is advancing as never before!
Are YOU in?
Don’t miss the three “Let Freedom Ring” Priests on this week’s episode of the Grace Force Podcast!