Grace Force Podcast Episode 56: Fr. James Altman – A True Shepherd Warns His Sheep
Fr. James Altman – A True Shepherd Warns His Sheep
Fr. James Altman has become a social media phenomenon and is now a main stream media story. Why? Fr. Altman recently (August 30) posted a ten minute video (HERE) that held nothing back in calling out the evils in our culture and our Church. You could almost hear a collective “sigh of relief” as those who have been yearning for this kind of bold truth from our clerics rushed to show their appreciation for Fr. Altman’s courage. And, predictably, those who oppose the Holy Spirit, and have done all they could to silence these truths (cancel culture), rushed to destroy him. In particular, Fr. Jimmy Martin posted the address of Fr. Altman’s bishop, and released the liberal attack dogs. It will be interesting to see if the “c”atholic liberals win …. again.
It was nice to see the Bishop of Tyler, Texas extend his full-throated support for Fr. Altman: “As the Bishop of Tyler I endorse Fr Altman’s statement in this video. My shame is that it has taken me so long. Thank you Fr Altman for your COURAGE. If you love Jesus & His Church & this nation…pleases HEED THIS MESSAGE,” – Bishop Joseph Strickland
In this episode of the Grace Force podcast, we speak with Fr. Altman to understand what inspired him to choose such heroism and potential martyrdom. Fr. Altman is true shepherd who, like a “good” parent, forcefully and unabashedly warns his family of the dangers laying in wait, even if it comes at his peril. God bless Fr. Altman!
Please write to express your appreciation of Fr. James Altman.
Bishop William Callahan
3710 East Ave S
PO Box 4004
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54602-4004
Email: dbrannon@diolc.org
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