90 Days to Peace – Discover the Key that Unlocks the Secret to Peace
What Have We Learned?
Many who know me, know that I tend to look for the “bright side” … I am hopeful. Today, I am full of hope (even though we have been subjected to two years of demonic torment), because I have again found a bright side.
You see, I believe that God, in His permissive will, has allowed this recent “stormy” experience to awaken all of us. In other words, this is our learning moment – if we allow it to be. What I am hoping we all have learned is that we made it far too easy for Satan to just waltz in and take control. We were weak.
Like so many of you, I can’t let that stand; I am driven to do something. As a result, for the past 5 months, I have been feverishly and joyfully working on the most important mission of my life.
Here it is …
Unlocking the Secret
I have learned that something very simple can remain a secret to most of us. It’s taken me a lifetime of experiences, studies, prayer and a passion to unlock this secret, when it is meant to be available to a child. It’s so simple, but we tend to be so resistant in recognizing this “key” that unlocks the secret to peace. But, I finally discovered it for myself, and I want to share it with you.
Exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, has verified this “key” to unlock this secret to peace. Through Fr. Ripperger’s thousands of cases, he has come to understand that freedom from the tyranny of demonic manipulation comes, primarily, when we discover and begin to practice the deep and rich spiritual practices of our Catholic faith, in a disciplined way.
To be clear, the practices Fr. Ripperger and I are referring to are not just some (among many) that a Catholic may pick and choose from. No, we are referring to the baseline, best practices revealed by God through Mary and the saints. That makes these “most pleasing to God.”
There it is. That’s the “key.”
You see? This is what we’ve been missing. This is why Satan has had such an easy time with us. We’ve been lukewarm, disconnected and undisciplined, and not making the sacrifices that come so easily for someone in love. We may have been keeping God near, in case we needed Him, but we haven’t been striving to build a truly loving relationship with Him. God is waiting for just such a relationship.
90 Days to Peace
And so, I am inviting you to join with me, and thousands of others, as we embark upon the most important journey of our lives. I am calling this, “90 Days to Peace.” It will on Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) and go up to the Feast of the Visitation (May 30th). Near the conclusion of our 90 days, we will include the most ancient of all novenas: The Pentecost Novena.
You might ask, “Why is 90 days important?” Psychologists agree in what is called 21/90. The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. We need to cultivate these practices in our lives permanently, so that we can play offense instead of haphazard defense.
Over the past five months, I have been laboring in love to create a simple tool to use as the key to unlock the secret to peace. The result is a specialized “Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal” that will assist us in making the very best spiritual practices of our Catholic faith part of our everyday life. Thus, drawing us in as close as we can be to God, where the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7).
The Time is Now!
I firmly believe we are facing a watershed moment, and we need to get as close to God as possible, and as strong in His supernatural grace as we can be.
Shortly after our 90-day journey, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider a case that could fundamentally transform abortion laws in America by overturning Roe v. Wade. In essence, this will close a gigantic portal – opened on January 22, 1973 – that has been giving easy access to demons throughout our land.
Then, on the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 19, 2022), the USSCB is launching a three-year campaign for “Eucharistic Revival.” This is, quite literally, an answer to our prayers! Having been the victim of historic demonic torture for these past two years, we know that a “revival” is exactly what is needed right now.
Let’s Get Ready!
Between now and our March 3 start date, you’ll want to get your “Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal” Go HERE. Once you receive it, read the introductory sections that will explain the “why’s, what’s, and how’s” of this Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal and why it’s specifically designed to assist us in becoming well-connected to God.
God wants an intimate love relationship with us. That comes from what St. Francis de Sales calls, “Cor Ad Cor Loquitur: Heart Speaks to Heart.” I truly believe this journal is designed in just such a way to best lead us into that intimate relationship with God – where you will discover life-changing peace.
I am so looking forward to this “90 Days to Peace” journey with all of you!
Get Your Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal …