Accountability Weekly Zoom Meeting for Let Freedom Ring Soldiers
Please join us for these exciting “Accountability Weekly Zoom Meeting for Let Freedom Ring Soldiers.”
WHAT: Let Freedom Ring Accountability – Weekly Zoom Meeting (Open to anyone participating in this training)
WHEN: Wednesday 7:30pm CST
LENGTH: 1 hour (or less)
- Opening prayer
- Courtney introduces “Guest” speaker
- Topic would be previous weeks reflections (pep-talk, ways to strengthen, what to look out for, spiritual guidance. We want to learn, to be fed and train hard)
- *Short* Q/A Session (Q’s previously drawn from Facebook or zoom chat- pertaining to previous weeks reflections)
- Final words from Guest Speaker (if any)
- Closing Prayer
- *note: everyone will be muted with the exception of the Priests on the call and hosts of the meeting.
CONNECT: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 5417 0822
Passcode: 649856
