Adoration for Our Nation, A Nationwide Day of Prayer, November 3, 2020
Adoration for Our Nation
A Nationwide Day of Prayer
3 November 2020
Let’s unite our country in prayer on election day
Across the nation people are anxious, neighbors against neighbors, with polarizing statements all over social media and the airwaves. We hear the cry, “what can we do?” As a people of faith, we turned to God, and were inspired to ask Catholic Churches to open wide their doors to Christ by offering adoration on election day.
There is no better way to ask for God’s grace
Catholics throughout the U.S. can offer prayers, beg for mercy and be in the calming, loving presence of Jesus. Our suggestion is to have adoration begin immediately after morning Mass, and conclude with Benediction when the polls close in your area. However, any length of adoration on November 3 will be of inestimable value.
We are asking for your help
We need people to organize this day of adoration in every parish throughout the country—and, with election day coming fast, we need you to ask your Pastor now. You can assure him that you will be in charge of organizing this, including communicating it to your parish and soliciting the adorers. Don’t worry, we have all the resources you need HERE, including a planning guide, suggested prayers, sign up sheets, promotional flyers and bulletin announcements.
What if your parish already has Eucharistic Adoration on that day?
We still ask you to talk to your pastor to participate. The flyers will encourage even more parishioners to come to adoration on election day, and bring more blessings to your community and our country.
Don’t wait! Contact your Pastor today! Our country needs Jesus.
Register Here: