USGF Prayer Campaigns

Day 2, Novena for Our Nation – Faith

DAY 2 – HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE VIRTUE OF FAITH!   GOD’S WORD “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

Day 1, Novena for Our Nation – Perfection

DAY 1 – HOLY MARY, HELP US TO STRIVE FOR PERFECTION!   GOD’S WORD “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 4:48) HEROES’ WORDS “If you

Day 40 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Sloth

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

Day 39 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Presumption

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

We’re Going In! Novena for Our Nation: August 15 – October 7

WE’RE GOING IN!! “When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it is an army

Day 38 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Worldliness

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

Day 37 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Gossip

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

Day 36 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Avarice

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

Day 35 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Childishness

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August

Day 34 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Relativism

ANNOUNCEMENT! We are getting very close to concluding “Let Freedom Ring” and beginning the 54-Day Rosary novena entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 – October 7). Both on August