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We’re Begging for a Holy Spirit Revival – Every Thursday!
Make America Holy Again! Dear Family, Please, please, please consider joining us every Thursday, now until October 7, 6-7pm at St. Mary of Pine Bluff for a Holy Hour of

Grace Force Podcast Episode 91: Jason Jones – The Duty of Influence
Jason Jones – The Duty of Influence We were blessed to have the amazing Jason Jones join us for this episode of the Grace Force Jason Jones is a film producer,

Pentecost Novena – Day Five
FIFTH DAY (Tuesday, 7th Week of Easter) Light immortal! Light Divine! Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill! The Gift of Knowledge The gift of Knowledge

Pentecost Novena – Day Four
FOURTH DAY (Monday, 7th Week of Easter) Thou in toil art comfort sweet, Pleasant coolness in the heat, solace in the midst of woe. The Gift of Fortitude By the

Jesus, and All “Good” Shepherds Are Divisive
I began my sermon this weekend (see below) by pointing to heroes. The heroes in our times are those unafraid to speak the truth openly, especially as we are being

Pentecost Novena – Day Three
THIRD DAY (7th Sunday of Easter) Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast, Dost refreshing peace bestow. The Gift of Piety The gift of Piety begets in our

Pentecost Novena – Day Two
SECOND DAY (Saturday of 6th Week of Easter) Come. Father of the poor. Come, treasures which endure; Come, Light of all that live! The Gift of Fear The gift of

May 13, Day One of Heal Our Land – Masks Gone!
Grace Force, May 13, Madison, WI // As we traverse through, what many believe, are dark times in which Satan seems to have seized control, a group of serious and

Pentecost Novena – Day One
FIRST DAY (Friday after Ascension or Friday of 6th Week of Easter) Holy Spirit! Lord of Light! From Your clear celestial height, Your pure beaming radiance give! The Holy Spirit

Pentecost Novena – Begins Friday, May 14
May 14 – (Another 2021 Convergence) – Anniversary of St. John Bosco’s Dream of Two Pillars As we begin our 2021 Pentecost Novena, we find yet another convergence. On May