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“Fiat Novena” – Novena of Days from Christ’s Conception to Death

“Fiat Novena” – Novena of Days from Christ’s Conception to Death This year, there “happens” to be a novena of days from Christ’s conception (Annunciation) to His death on the

Grace Force Podcast Episode 83: This Is When We Begin to Fight

This Is When We Begin to Fight Steve Karlen is the Director of North American Outreach for 40 Days for Life. Steve has a story that shows the power of initiative and

Day 37 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Gossip

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Gossip My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 36 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Avarice

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Avarice My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 35 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Childishness

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Childishness My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

ANNOUNCEMENT: 3 Priests’ Book, “Let Freedom Ring,” is Transforming Thousands of Souls!

ANNOUNCEMENT: 3 PRIESTS’ NEW BOOK, Let Freedom Ring: A 40-Day Tactical Training for Freedom From the Devil, is Transforming Thousands of Souls!!!   Written by: Fr. James Altman Fr. Richard Heilman

Day 34 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Relativism

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Relativism My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 33 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Theft

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Theft My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 32 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Irreverence

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Irreverence My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 31 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Materialism

Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Materialism My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of