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Grace Force Podcast – Episode 68: Let the Church Roar!
Grace Force Podcast – Episode 68: Let the Church Roar! The time has come, now more than ever, for the Church to rise up and do spiritual battle with the

Day 32, Novena for Our Nation – State of Grace
DAY 32 – MARY, GATE OF HEAVEN, PRAY FOR US STATE OF GRACE Devil’s Tactic #1 – Cut us off from our supply lines The first major strategy from the

Day 31, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Recon
DAY 31 – MARY, ARK OF THE COVENANT, PRAY FOR US RECON Any combat training and tactical planning begins with a process of intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination. Recon (reconnaissance)

Day 30, Novena for Our Nation – Sanctify Yourself
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 29, Novena for Our Nation – Summoned to Courage
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 28, Novena for Our Nation – Draw Your Strength From the Lord
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 27, Novena for Our Nation – Chastity
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 26, Novena for Our Nation – Continence
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 25, Novena for Our Nation – Modesty
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 24, Novena for Our Nation – Faithfulness
ATTENTION! Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your