USGF Training in Holiness

Day 33 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Theft” by Fr. James Altman Dear family, Our Father gave us the Ten Commandments for a reason, a good reason. Few people will do it, but we all

Day 32 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Irreverence” by Fr. Rick Heilman It was on February 2, 1998, that I had the experience of a lifetime. It was my first ever Papal Mass, and this

Day 31 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Materialism” by Fr. Bill Peckman Back in 1985, Madonna nearly topped the Billboard 100 singing how she was “a material girl living in a material world.” It seemed

Day 30 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Secularism” by Fr. James Altman Dear family, I’m not quite sure whether it was Fr. Heilman or Fr. Peckman who “assigned” the topics – but I am sure

Day 29 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Acedia” by Fr. Rick Heilman Recently, I wrote a reflection on pride. I said, “Pride is the Biggie,” because it’s “the sin that is most at work to

Day 28 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Racism” by Fr. Bill Peckman As dominant a topic as racism is today, the word is only 140 years old in usage. I have been reading the book

Day 27 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Gluttony” by Fr. James Altman Dear family, we all have heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, even if we cannot remember all seven on the spot. By the

Day 26 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Pride” by Fr. Rick Heilman Pride is the “Biggie.” This is the sin Satan committed in his choice to refuse to submit to God. This is the “original

Day 25 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Wrath” by Fr. Bill Peckman In the medieval classic, The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Dante places the wrathful in the 5th circle of Hell. The wrathful spend eternity forever fighting

Day 24 – 90 Days to Peace

“Freedom from Consumerism” by Fr. James Altman Dear family, if there was one word that might underlie the modern day “fall of mankind” it very well could be consumerism. We’ve