USGF Training in Holiness
1916 Military Rosary Inspires New Combat Rosary
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z) originally broke the story. On the 100th anniversary of the original 1916 WWI Military issue rosary, during his address to the new recruits about to be

God Wants YOU! Enlist in the Grace Force!
The United States Space Force (USSF) is a new branch of the United States Armed Forces, which is intended to have control over military operations in outer space. Those who

Do You Want God’s Attention? Here’s How
I think we treat God like a vending machine sometimes. I believe that’s why God – a perfect parent – asks us to show “resolve” or “effort.” He is saying,

From Sam Guzman over at Catholic Gentleman: G.K. Chesterton had an uncanny gift for prophecy. It wasn’t mystical necessarily. I don’t believe he ever saw visions of the future like

Courageous Archbishop Chaput’s Speech Could Be a Watershed Moment for American Catholics
“If men and women are really made for heroism and glory, made to stand in the presence of the living God, they can never be satisfied with bourgeois, mediocre, feel-good

The Sanctuary
FROM THE CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN … Turmoil surrounds us. Chaos is ever present. Terrorist attacks, violence in our cities, political anarchy, threats of wars, and so much more. And that is

The Church as Field Hospital – The Supernatural as Medicine
Not too long ago, I encouraged the pest control guy (while he was setting traps in my house) to come and check out the Mass on Sunday morning. A few

If Dad Takes Faith in God Seriously, So Will His Children
“And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before Me for the land …” Ezekiel 22:30 MEN … these

St. Joseph – Spiritual Head of the Household
By Bishop Paul S. Loverde Joseph is sometimes overlooked in the annual telling of the Christmas story, but without this man’s deep faith, the lives of Mary and Jesus would