Day 38 – Heavenly Christmas Novena
In the military, boot camp (or, basic training) trains soldiers for combat by instilling discipline and an unbreakable bond. When their training is complete, soldiers act more as a sacrificing, corporate body and less as self-concerned individuals. Here we will learn how to become diligent members of the Church Militant and how absolutely essential it is to move in concert with the Communion of Saints.
Today, ask yourself …
Heart: Did I pray for others today? (Holy Soul in Purgatory, Soul in need)
Soul: Did I meet my “prayer-life plan” goals?
Mind: Did I spend some time with spiritual reading? A recommended option for daily spiritual reading is the brief reflections I offer here daily (below) from my book, “Church Militant Field Manual: Special Forces Training for the Life in Christ.”
Strength: Did I meet my daily health & fitness goals?
Throughout all of salvation history we see such cries as “Let his face shine upon you” (Nm 6:25) and “Do not hide your face from me” (Ps 27:9, 69:17, 102:3). This face-to-face, “look-me-in-the-eye” bonding is essential in understanding the necessity for making a semper fi connection with Christ. This kind of face-to-face encounter with God changes everything as it calls forth, quite literally, a transformation that cannot be undone. It marks a major shift away from a “face-in-the-crowd,” “Christian in name only,” “do-only-what’s-minimally-required” empty religiosity, into a totally dedicated (semper fi) loyalty in love that remains faithful to God, to each other, and to the mission, no matter what.
Pope John Paul II said, “Real love is demanding. For it was Jesus — our Jesus himself — who said: ‘You are my friends if you do what I command you’ (Jn 15:14). Love demands effort and a personal commitment to the will of God. It means discipline and sacrifice, but it also means joy and human fulfillment.” Mother Teresa said of love: “Love to be real, it must cost — it must hurt — it must empty us of self.”
“We have a tendency to think only about self-protection, safety, and avoidance of trouble,” says Bishop Robert Barron, “This tends to be our primary frame of reference. But God thinks relentlessly in terms of love, even when that love entails suffering. So, we ask ourselves, what is our final frame of reference? Is it, ‘How do I avoid pain?’ or is it, ‘How do I love?’ So, if I wake up every morning and my basic question is ‘How am I going to avoid pain?’ then I am going to live my life in a certain way — ultimately, a selfish way. But if when I wake up in the morning I say, ‘How do I love today?’ then I will live the life of a saint.” (Excerpt from Church Militant Field Manual).
Give Spiritual Strength This Year
Christ has equipped us with weapons more splendid than gold, more resistant than steel, weapons more fiery than any flame and lighter than the slightest breeze … These are weapons of a totally new kind, for they have been forged for a previously unheard-of type of combat. -St. John Chrysostom
Seen below are among the few of many amazing tools to grow in spiritual strength at RomanCatholicGear.com.
Combat Rosary (Sterling Silver & 24k Gold)
Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal
Strength & Alliance Field Journal
Combat Rosary
Spiritual Go Bag
Spiritual Ammo Can Set
Go to RomanCatholicGear.com.