Day 8 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Elitism
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Elitism
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
At a word from You, the devil and his minions flee in terror.
You are the source of all truth. You are the source of all strength.
By the power of Your Cross and Resurrection, we beseech You, O Lord
To extend Your saving arm and to send Your holy angels
To defend us as we do battle with Satan and his demonic forces.
Exorcise, we pray, that which oppresses Your Bride, The Church,
So that within ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation
We may turn fully back to You in all fidelity and trust.
Lord, we know if You will it, it will be done.
Give us the perseverance for this mission, we pray.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception … pray for us
St. Joseph … pray for us
St. Michael the Archangel … pray for us
(the patron of your parish) … pray for us
(your confirmation saint) … pray for us
“Freedom From Elitism” by Fr. Rick Heilman
In an interview with Carl E. Olson, Dr. Angelo Codevilla, author of the book, The Ruling Class, said:
“The ruling class are society’s ‘ins.’ This class comprises persons in government, those who depend for their livelihoods on government, and whose socio-economic prospects and hopes are founded on government. Thus, it includes most people in the educational establishment, the media, and large corporations. Its leading elements and its major voting constituencies are the Democratic party. But It transcends political parties because any number of Republicans aspire to its privileges and share its priorities.
Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture. Believing themselves intelligent apostles of scientific truth, they regard others as dumb and in the grip of religious obscurantism. Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors. Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound, they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias—effectively as bad people. The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”
The rest of us, often described as the “country class” or, as the 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate called us, “Deplorables,” comprise the vast majority of our country. But, the secular religion of the ruling class has captured virtually all of the sources of influence: The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, etc. At the same time, unfortunately, many religious leaders seem to be tripping over themselves with shameless attempts to ingratiate themselves with this secular religion’s high priests.
In today’s culture, this elitism has seemed to take control, as speech or conduct contrary to the agenda of “elites,” are suppressed with threats of violence to one’s reputation, employment, and even destruction of property and physical harm. Let’s call it what it is: They are bullies. Operating from moral relativism, which proclaims the end always justifies the means, everything – EVERYTHING! – is on the table for accomplishing the elites’ goal of gaining complete power and control.
Elitism is the temptation of every human being, and we have all recognized it as early as our childhood days when the so-called “cool kids” on the playground would exert their superiority, often by ridiculing those they deemed “beneath” them. The temptation is to compromise, surrender or even join ranks with these elites of our day. No! Jesus calls us to be the “mighty influencers” of our culture; to be “disrupters.” We’re called, not to promote the selfish “establishment” and their power-hungry and godless agenda, but to promote the virtues, morals, values, ethics of God’s Kingdom.
The influence of the elites is strong and, in many ways, we have grown weak. More than any other time, WE NEED EACH OTHER … we need to become UNIFIED! We need to do all we can to spend as much time as possible with others who are striving to GET STRONG in the virtues of God’s Kingdom. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Parishes were always meant to be these epicenters of “unity and strength.” Parishes simply must work to be the best possible “spiritual gymnasiums” they can be, where those who attend are encouraged, challenged and instructed in all the ways to become “strong in the Lord and in His mighty power” (Eph. 6:10). Parishes must be places where we find fellow Catholics who “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Heb. 10:24).
I’m sure you are much like me in that I am long past tired of the Ruling Class’s “Mob” claiming the moral high ground with their demonically influenced secular religion. It’s high time for all of us to become a force to be reckoned with, UNITED in our resolve to GET STRONG in God’s mighty power!
Prayer of Reparation
My Lord and my God,
We have allowed the temptation of the devil to move our hearts toward elitism.
We have allowed works of evil to foment within us a heart of needing approval.
We have been divided and weak in our lack of resolve to seek the unity and spiritual strength to resist the elites of our culture today.
In our fear and silent self-protection, we have allowed the ancient foe to advance.
We turn to you Lord, in our shame, and beg your forgiveness for our lack of resolve.
We beg for the grace of Your strength and power to grant us the resolve to turn back the falsehoods of the enemy by freely and openly speaking Your truth with love to a waiting world.
We know, Lord, if You will it, it will be done.
Trusting in You, we offer our prayer to You who live and reign forever and ever.
Prayer of Exorcism
Lord God of Heaven and Earth,
In Your power and goodness, You created all things.
You set a path for us to walk on and a way to an eternal relationship.
By the strength of Your arm and Word of Your mouth
Cast from Your Holy Church every fearful deceit of the Devil
Drive from us manifestations of the demonic that oppress us and beckon us to elitism and division.
Still the lying tongue of the devil and his forces so that we may act freely and faithfully in imitation of You.
Send Your holy angels to cast out all influence that the demonic entities in charge of elitism have planted in Your church.
Free us, our families, our parish, our diocese, and our country from all trickery and deceit perpetrated by the Devil and his hellish legions.
Trusting in Your goodness Lord,
We know if You will it, it will be done in unity with Your Son and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever.
Litany of St. Michael the Archangel
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy, etc.
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Holy Mary, Queen of the Angels, pray for us, etc.
St. Michael, the Archangel,
Most glorious attendant of the Triune Divinity,
Standing at the right of the altar of Incense,
Ambassador of Paradise,
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly armies,
Leader of the Angelic hosts,
The standard-bearer of God’s armies,
Defender of Divine glory,
First defender of the Kingship of Christ,
Strength of God,
Invincible Prince and warrior,
Angel of Peace,
Guide of Christ,
Guardian of the Catholic Faith,
Champion of God’s people,
Guardian Angel of the Eucharist,
Defender of the Church,
Protector of the Sovereign Pontiff,
Angel of Catholic action,
Powerful intercessor of Christians,
Bravest defender of those who hope in God,
Guardian of our souls and bodies,
Healer of the sick,
Help of those in their agony,
Consoler of the Souls in Purgatory,
God’s messenger for the souls of the just,
Terror of the evil spirits,
Victorious in battle against evil,
Guardian and Patron of the universal Church,
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Relying, O Lord, upon the intercession of Thy blessed Archangel Michael, we humbly beg of Thee, that the Sacrament of the Eucharist which we have received may make our souls holy and pleasing to Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
To see the Goals, Methods and Levels of “Let Freedom Ring,” go HERE.
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)