Day 82 – 90 Days to Peace
The unfortunate reality is that the modern campaign of militant secular indoctrination has been so severe that fewer remain who believe or trust in God’s supernatural power. In spiritual terms, this makes us puny and scrawny rather than strong and powerful mighty warriors ready to confront the powers of darkness in the heavenly realm. With so many modernized Christians ignoring the reality of grace, it is no wonder that evil is thriving in our day.
In speaking of the need for a New Evangelization, Pope Benedict XVI said, “the true problem of our times is the ‘Crisis of God,’ the absence of God, disguised by an empty religiosity” … a kind of lukewarmness, going through the motions of one’s faith, which ends up collapsing completely. The terrible consequence of this war on the supernatural is seen in the epidemic of spiritual sloth in our times — hearts deadened to the Divine Life of God.
Bishop Robert Barron draws attention to this very real epidemic in our times: “A real concrete statistic around this is that 70 percent of the baptized faithful are staying away from Mass on a regular basis. And we’re doing well in comparison with the European countries. Vatican II said the Mass is the source and summit of the Christian life … everything leads to and flows from the Mass. The Eucharist is everything, and 70 percent could care less about it. Yes, there are many reasons around why some do not go to Mass, but I suspect that, for most, they are suffering from spiritual sloth; they could just care less.”
Aristotle said, “No one can long remain in sadness without any joy.” Depriving oneself of spiritual joy through neglect and sloth leaves one desperate to fill that void with inferior pleasures. Hence, it is no wonder why we see so many people frantically attempting to fill their lives with every kind of activity and distraction possible, desperately trying to avoid the gloom of emptiness. St. Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” (Excerpt from Church Militant Field Manual).
You can enlist in the United States Grace Force HERE (please recruit family and friends!)
Information on the United States Grace Force can be found HERE
We highly recommend ordering the book “Let Freedom Ring” authored by Fr. Bill Peckman, Fr. James Altman and Fr. Rick Heilman. This amazing book was used for our first 40 days of reflections during this 90 Days to Peace journey with tens of thousands of other special forces prayer warriors!
For the remaining 50 days of this 90 Days to Peace journey, we are drawing reflections from the 54 Day Basic Training in Holiness. This leather-bound pocket manual is inspired by the original World War II pocket prayer book, My Military Missal. The daily reflections in this handbook are this basic training. Drawing from the truths found in the Holy Scriptures, the saints, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the first 27 days focus upon the qualities of excellence toward which we are all called to strive. The second 27 days contain excerpts from Fr. Heilman’s book, Church Militant Field Manual: Special Forces Training for the Life in Christ. You can order these books at RomanCatholicGear.com.
Peace Through Strength
Leather-Bound Prayer Journal
Back in Stock!!”
“Do you crave the ‘peace that surpasses all understanding,’ mentioned by St. Paul in Holy Scripture? This journal will assist you in unlocking the secret to peace. It’s about guiding you to that higher life in God’s loving presence; it’s about cultivating that ‘heart speaking to heart’ intimacy with God.” ~Fr Rick Heilman
Get your Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal at RomanCatholicGear.com
The Shepherd Project
A Call to Prayer for Our Bishops – May 1 to the end of October
May 22 – Pray for Bishop (Sede Vacante – Pray for all bishops)
(From the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Champion, WI) Our Lady’s message to Adele was clear – to gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they need to know for their salvation, especially in how to make the sign of the cross, how to know the catechism, and how to approach the sacraments. Our church leaders, especially our Bishops, are entrusted with this mission in their own communities and we, as the Church, have a great responsibility in praying for them as they continue the good work.
As our world faces a shortage of peace and an increase in division and attacks within our families and the Church, our Bishops are facing extreme challenges. This is why they need our prayers, now more than ever, for the grace necessary to heroically lead people of faith in these uncertain times.
This is what inspired the Shrine’s Shepherd Project – a season of prayer for each Bishop across the United States, starting from the Shrine’s location in Wisconsin and emitting outward as the year goes on. Join us as we offer up our prayers for a Bishop a day to the Blessed Mother from May 1 to the end of October.
Click HERE for the Shrine’s prayer that will be offered for each Bishop on their day.
Combat Rosaries for Heroes
ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Madison, Wisconsin (Feb. 23, 2021) — A new nonprofit charity founded by a Catholic priest will provide free military-grade steel rosaries to U.S. military personnel, law enforcement officers and first responders. Combat Rosaries for Heroes is being launched on February 23, 2021, which is the 76th anniversary of the iconic photo showing the flag being raised by the U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima during the latter part of World War II. (You can read more about this HERE)
Since that February 23, 2021 announcemen, thanks to the generosity of so many, Combat Rosaries for Heroes has distributed nearly 10,000 Combat Rosaries to U.S. military personnel, law enforcement officers and first responders. While this is amazing, the demand remains very high.
Every effort is being made to put all donations toward only the raw cost of materials and assembly in order to get the most Combat Rosaries™ to the most heroes. Fundraising for the project will be done online. PLEASE donate at CombatRosariesForHeroes.com. Checks can be sent to P.O. Box 44036, Madison, WI 53744.