Grace Force Podcast Episode 61: Mansplaining for the Catholic Vote
Mansplaining for the Catholic Vote
In this episode we have the AMAZING Jesse Romero, a former Los Angeles police officer turned Catholic evangelist, speaker, and author. Jesse’s latest book, A Catholic Vote For Trump, combines extensive research, straight talk, and a humorous, punchy style with quotes from the Catechism, the popes, and some of the best Catholic writers and thinkers of the 20th century.
Jesse shoots straight, on this podcast, about the anti-God agenda of the Left. We are facing a make or break moment in our country. We can join forces with those who want to continue the amazing project of building a virtuous country, under God, that is the envy of the world, or we will face a collapse that will take generations to restore. This is the most monumental election in our nation’s history!!! Jesse’s perspective is absolutely enlightening!
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More from Fr. Richard Heilman
To follow more of Fr. Richard Heilman’s teachings, subscribe to the podcast of his Sunday homilies on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music, or browse through them on the St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church web site. Also follow Father’s writings on the U.S. Grace Force and Roman Catholic Man web sites.
More from Doug Barry
Follow Doug on his YouTube channel and read more on the Battle Ready web site.
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