Grace Force Podcast Episode 78: Catholic Priests – Why this Lent is More Important than Others
Catholic Priests – Why this Lent is More Important than Others
On Day #1 of our 40-day “Let Freedom Ring” challenge, the three authors/priests come on this week’s episode to discuss this monumental Lent.
Who would have ever thought that we would live to see a historic “momentum shift” underway, to turn our culture and our Church in a radical direction away from God … in opposition to God. This historic momentum shift has even been given a name by the arrogant deviants who are intent on its implementation: “The Great Reset.” Boil down what is meant by a “Great Reset,” and what you have is a “watershed moment” to create a seismic shift, reversing momentum away from any love of God and country, and grant all control to an elite worldwide ruling class who have been plotting and planning for years for just such a time as this.
This ruling class tyranny of all sources of influence – media, leftist politicians, Hollywood, TV, Big Tech, Big Corporations, universities and public schools – have seized control, and we are now finding ourselves in the midst of a full-throated persecution by way of censorship and threats of ruin (chilling effect) if we fail to comply in following the radical secular dogma of the ruling class. The dark agenda of destroying Christian America has gained great “momentum.”
This is why this Lent is so very “Critical!” It’s time to join forces and draw upon the very best of God’s supernatural armor and weapons. It’s about the power of prayer; the power of the Sacraments; the power of devotions; the power of fasting and mortification … to bring the full power of “supernatural strength” to recover the momentum back in the direction of “building the Kingdom of God!” Our only other option is to sit by and watch its destruction.
Over 77,000 special forces prayer warriors have joined forces for this 40-day tactical training for freedom from the devil.
You can order your copy of “Let Freedom Ring” at RomanCatholicGear.com.
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More from Fr. Richard Heilman
To follow more of Fr. Richard Heilman’s teachings, subscribe to the podcast of his Sunday homilies on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music, or browse through them on the St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church web site. Also follow Father’s writings on the U.S. Grace Force and Roman Catholic Man web sites.
More from Doug Barry
Follow Doug on his YouTube channel and read more on the Battle Ready web site.
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