I Highly Recommend Doug Barry’s Timely Initiative!
As you know, I have teamed up with my very good friend, Doug Barry, for the Grace Force Podcast. I’ve known Doug for many years, and I have always been particularly grateful for Doug’s passion to assist individuals, families, parishes and Catholic organizations in becoming “Battle Ready.” Doug, in my opinion, is the quintessential expert in this, as he has poured himself into this for more than 25 years.
President Ronald Reagan once famously stated, “We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.” It’s true! Our strength is what keeps the devil at bay, and Doug helps us all to “get strong” and understand all of the elements of self-defense, protection and preparedness.
The timing is just perfect in Doug’s call for this “Emergency Preparedness Course.” From civil unrest to global pandemics to brutal natural disasters, potential economic collapse and more, the Lord calls us to protect those entrusted to our care. This includes not just our immediate family but the vulnerable and innocent. How can we answer this call if we don’t know how and aren’t trained?
No matter if you are young, strong, older and wiser, wheelchair bound or can run 10 miles, this course is the step-by-step process of my tiered approach to preparing – body, mind and soul, no matter what may be around the corner.
Please, please consider signing up for this very timely “Emergency Preparedness Course.”
You can learn all about it and sign-up here:
In Christ’s Love,
Fr. Rick Heilman