Novena for Our Nation: August 15 – October 7, Conversion USA!
Novena for Our Nation – Conversion USA!
I had one of those experiences, this morning. I was up very early praying and, as has happened before to me, it was like the Holy Spirit wrestled me to the ground, put me in a headlock, and said, “LISTEN!” Then comes my, “Okay, okay, I’m listening.” That’s my attempt at humor to just say that this was one of those times when I felt I was hearing something quite clearly from God.
Here’s what I received …
I am writing this on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene. Historically, it has been widely held, along with Pope Gregory the Great, that Mary Magdalene was the woman from whom seven demons were cast out by Jesus, and that these were, according to Pope Gregory the Great, the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth). Also, that Mary Magdalene is the one who threw herself at the feet of Jesus, as she washed His feet with her tears and dried them with hair. Why? Out of sheer joy for being saved. She had profound “gratefulness.” Painted as a “hopeless sinner,” Mary Magdalene is redeemed and, out of this eternal gratefulness, “stays” with Jesus all the way to the cross, and is given the incredible privilege of being the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. Jesus seems to emphasize His great love for those who, at one point, feel there is no hope for them – who seem the most distant from Him – but then end up being among his most ardent followers.
Today, we see so many souls who have not only dismissed God, but are even militating against Him. The most stark image of this are the pro-Marxist, anti-American and anti-God violent rioters in the streets. But, America has been drifting away from God for decades.
The time has long passed for us to get on our knees and pray WITH BELIEF for the conversion of the United States of America … “Conversion USA!” The central message from Our Lady of Fatima was to pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners.
We need to pray for our loved ones, our neighbors, and even the rioters in the streets and the corrupt politicians and religious leaders. Here’s the thing … I actually believe Jesus, and I pray you do too, when He said, “If you BELIEVE, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matt 21:22).
We want to pray with great BELIEF and OBEDIENCE! YES, to the rosary. But, let’s add another powerful devotion revealed to us through Our Lady – THE GREEN SCAPULAR! The Green Scapular was given to us, mainly, for “conversions.”
I am making available 2 free Green Scapulars touched to a D-Day Relic of the True Cross (Read about this relic HERE). We have already witnessed many conversions by way of these Green Scapulars.
I ask that those praying during the Novena for Our Nation (see below), consider holding or keeping close to them one of these Green Scapulars as you ask God to convert our families, our parish, our diocese, and our country – We need a revival! We need our nation UNDER GOD once again! … “Conversion USA!”
Read about the Green Scapular and ORDER YOUR TWO FREE GREEN SCAPULARS HERE:
AND, let’s do this as a HUGE army of God. I’ll be adding 3 US Grace Force recruitment cards, for you to hand out, to your order of 2 free Green Scapulars. Please recruit as many as you can to join the US Grace Force, and this powerful campaign entitled, “Novena for Our Nation!”
According to St. Louis de Montfort, this HUGE army matters …
“When people say the Rosary together, it is far more formidable to the devil, than one said privately. Because in this public prayer, it is an army that is attacking him. He can often overcome the prayer of an individual, but if this prayer is joined to other Christians, the devil has much more trouble in getting the best of it.” -St Louis de Montfort.
We are calling all “BELIEVING” Catholics to join in this powerful campaign of spiritual warfare, entitled, “Novena for Our Nation” (August 15 to October 7). The United States Grace Force has grown to nearly 67,000 Special Forces Prayer Warriors, and we want to get larger and stronger!!
Cardinal Burke has joined in calling us all to get in the fight …
“There is no question that we are living in the most troubled times. Fundamental truths about human life about marriage and the family and about the conscience are being called into question by threatening the lives of individuals and of our society. But we are full of courage because we know that our Lord is with us. He’s called us to be His soldiers on the ground, working with Him for the salvation of the world.
There is a 54 day Novena beginning on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which will be completed on October 7. Your prayer would be even more efficacious if you would also take part in that 54 day Novena.”
We have witnessed a multitude of miracles (private and public) since this “67,000 strong” United States Grace Force began praying together in 2016 (see HERE).
As our August 15 spiritual warfare campaign approaches, we need everyone to do everything they can to recruit friends and family to join this United States Grace Force. WE WANT A HUGE “POWERED UP” GRACE FORCE!!
Here is the US Grace Force Website: usgraceforce.com
Also, if you have not yet joined the US Grace Force Facebook group, go HERE
I’m Going In!
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)