Day 27, Novena for Our Nation – Chastity
DAY 27 – MARY, MYSTICAL ROSE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CHASTITY! GOD’S WORD “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye

Day 26, Novena for Our Nation – Continence
DAY 26 – MARY, SINGULAR VESSEL OF DEVOTION, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CONTINENCE! GOD’S WORD “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and

Day 25, Novena for Our Nation – Modesty
DAY 25 – MARY, VESSEL OF HONOR, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF MODESTY! GOD’S WORD “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance

U.S. Grace Force Basic Training Episode 1 – Be Strong! Fear Not! Be Opened!
U.S. Grace Force Basic Training – Be Strong! Fear Not! Be Opened! While our streets were burning as many trembled in fear, while we were locked in our homes and

Day 24, Novena for Our Nation – Faithfulness
DAY 24 – MARY, SPIRITUAL VESSEL, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF FAITHFULNESS! GOD’S WORD “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) “For by

Day 23, Novena for Our Nation – Gentleness
DAY 23 – MARY, CAUSE OF OUR JOY, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF GENTLENESS! GOD’S WORD “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I

United States Grace Force Basic Training – We Are God’s Champions!
United States Grace Force Basic Training – We Are God’s Champions We are emerging from a very grim period of spiritual weakness as the vast majority of Christians ceased to

Day 22, Novena for Our Nation – Longanimity
DAY 22 – MARY, SEAT OF WISDOM, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF LONGANIMITY! GOD’S WORD “And not only that, but we also find glory in tribulation, knowing that

Day 21, Novena for Our Nation – Goodness
DAY 21 – MARY, MIRROR OF JUSTICE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF GOODNESS! GOD’S WORD “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.