Day 26, Novena for Our Nation – Continence

ATTENTION!  Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Grace Force Podcast – Fr. Frank Pavone: Can President Trump Still Win This Election?

Fr. Frank Pavone: Can President Trump Still Win This Election? Father Frank Pavone joins us this week to talk about just how this election has been tampered with, and what

Day 25, Novena for Our Nation – Modesty

ATTENTION!  Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 24, Novena for Our Nation – Faithfulness

ATTENTION!  Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 23, Novena for Our Nation – Gentleness

ATTENTION!  Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Operation Overlord 2.0 – You Are About to Embark Upon the Great Crusade

Grace Force Warriors, You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes

Day 22, Novena for Our Nation – Longanimity

ATTENTION!  Operation Overlord 2.0: November 30 – December 8 OPERATION OVERLORD 2.0 If God is calling you, I am asking that you add this “Operation Overlord 2.0” (see HERE) to your

Day 21, Novena for Our Nation – Goodness

DAY 21 – MARY, MIRROR OF JUSTICE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF GOODNESS!   GOD’S WORD “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.

Day 20, Novena for Our Nation – Kindness

DAY 20 – VIRGIN MOST FAITHFUL, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF KINDNESS   GOD’S WORD “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to

St. Maximillian Kolbe Nine-Day Preparation for Total Consecration

Total Consecration A Nine-day Preparation   DAY ONE Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Nurtures Christ and the Church St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit Breathe in me O