Grace Force Podcast Episode 252 – If Your Marriage Stinks, Then You Need This NOW!
Grace Force Podcast – If Your Marriage Stinks, Then You Need This NOW! If you are married of if you know someone who is married, then you need to see

Grace Force Podcast Episode 251 – How a Man Treats a Woman Defines Him!
Grace Force Podcast – How a Man Treats a Woman Defines Him! If there is anything that we ALWAYS need, it is men who will step up and be the

This Is Our Time to Make Reparation & Pray for Peace!
In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph! I write to you on the birthday of John the Baptist, which happens to be my birthday, as well. It was on my

Grace Force Podcast Episode 250 – Fatima: The Game Plan for Success
Grace Force Podcast – Fatima: The Game Plan for Success With the spiritual warfare going on all around us and the moral decline that we see in society, more people are

Grace Force Podcast Episode 249 – JESUS THIRSTS – A Powerful New Film!
Grace Force Podcast – JESUS THIRSTS – A Powerful New Film! Deacon Steve Greco joins us to talk about this amazing new film! Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist

Grace Force Podcast Episode 248 – Bishop Strickland: It Is Suicidal to Separate from the Truth
Grace Force Podcast – Bishop Strickland: It Is Suicidal to Separate from the Truth Bishop Joseph Strickland joins us to discuss the direction our world and our Church have gone

Grace Force Podcast Episode 247 – A Eucharistic Revival: What NEEDS to be Addressed?
Grace Force Podcast – A Eucharistic Revival: What NEEDS to be Addressed? The Eucharistic revival is upon us now! Fr Donald Calloway joins us to talk not only about the

Grace Force Podcast Episode 246 – Butker & the Vatican’s New Document on Apparitions
Grace Force Podcast – Butker & the Vatican’s New Document on Apparitions The reaction from the Harrison Butker commencement speech is a powerful indicator of the times that we live

Jonah Eclipse, Northern Lights and God’s Timing
Jonah Eclipse, Northern Lights and God’s Timing This day concludes the Pentecost Novena. I have great hope that our prayers for a “Supernatural Revival in the Land” have been heard

Day 9 – Pentecost Novena for a Supernatural Revival in Our Land
NINTH DAY (Saturday, Vigil of Pentecost) Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess and Thee Adore, in Thy sevenfold gift, Descend; Give Them Comfort when they die; Give them Life