Day 32, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – State of Grace

DAY 32 – MARY, GATE OF HEAVEN, PRAY FOR US STATE OF GRACE Devil’s Tactic #1 – Cut us off from our supply lines The first major strategy from the

Day 31, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Recon

DAY 31 – MARY, ARK OF THE COVENANT, PRAY FOR US RECON Any combat training and tactical planning begins with a process of intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination. Recon (reconnaissance)

Day 30, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Sanctify Yourself

DAY 30 – MARY, HOUSE OF GOLD, PRAY FOR US SANCTIFY YOURSELF Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade in 1095 with the primary goal of the Christian re-conquest of

Free Green Scapulars Touched to Relic of True Cross for the Conversion of Your Loved Ones

Two FREE Green Scapulars! This is REALLY good news!! And, I am very excited about this!! I am planning to do everything I can to get two Green Scapulars to

BREAKING! Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider Announce Crusade of Prayer and Fasting

As reported by Edward Pentin at the National Catholic Register: Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have issued an eight-page declaration warning against six “serious theological errors and heresies”

Day 29, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Summoned to Courage

DAY 29 – MARY, TOWER OF IVORY, PRAY FOR US! SUMMONED TO COURAGE A society increasingly disengaged from the Divine Life has no place to go but down. Definitely not

Grace Force Podcast Episode 5: Msgr. Charles Pope

Fr. Richard Heilman and Doug Barry interview Msgr. Charles Pope of the Archdiocese of Washington about “comfort Catholicism,” preparing for spiritual battle, the Church as a battleship, as well as

Day 28, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Draw Your Strength From the Lord

DAY 28 – MARY, TOWER OF DAVID, PRAY FOR US! DRAW YOUR STRENGTH FROM THE LORD “We belong to the Church Militant; and she is militant because on earth the

Day 27, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Chastity

DAY 27 – MARY, MYSTICAL ROSE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CHASTITY! GOD’S WORD “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is

Day 26, Novena for Our Nation & Our Church – Continence

DAY 26 – MARY, SINGULAR VESSEL OF DEVOTION, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CONTINENCE! GOD’S WORD “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left