Holiness = Low-Maintenance
St. Paul said, in today’s second reading, “…you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy.” If you boil it all down, everything we do at our parishes

The Sweetest Words Father (The Priest) Can Ever Hear
I’m not a parent, so I cannot personally attest to this experience. But, I was my parent’s child, and I watch and study other parents around me. What I am

100th Anniversary of Fatima is May 13 – Time to Do the “Nineveh Thing”
We have now entered the 100th year since Our Lady appeared in Fatima, Portugal. The anniversary is May 13, 2017. Many people are wondering if God may do (or allow)

Proud to Be a Father by Gen. Douglas MacArthur
“By profession I am a soldier, and take pride in that fact. But I am more proud, infinitely more, to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build;

“Novena for Our Nation” – Praying Grace into Our New President!
PRAYER WARRIORS!! The nation-wide prayer campaign – Novena for Our Nation – begins November 28, the Feast of Saint Catherine Labouré (who received the apparition of the Miraculous Medal), and

From Sam Guzman over at Catholic Gentleman: G.K. Chesterton had an uncanny gift for prophecy. It wasn’t mystical necessarily. I don’t believe he ever saw visions of the future like

The Time is NOW to Raise Navy Seal Level Spiritual Warriors!!
ST. MICHAEL’S MILITIA CALLING ALL MEN!! The time is long past due for us to gather a “capable” army to stand against the devil and his minions. On Friday, November