Red (Blood) Moon on Election Day!
Red (Blood) Moon on Election Day!
The last total lunar eclipse until 2025 will turn the moon blood-red on Tuesday, Nov. 8 (See HERE). Total lunar eclipses are sometimes known as blood moons because of the dramatic coloring caused by Earth’s atmosphere, which scatters light from the sun and brandishes it on the face of the moon.
Could a Red (Blood) Moon on Election Day be pointing to a Red Wave? And, could the Red Wave actually be about the Blood of Christ that not only offers forgiveness of sin, but also sanctification? I AM PRAYING FOR A REVIVAL IN THE LAND!!!
Listen, I am not a “political” person, but I AM a supporter of all forces of influence who stand against this historic demonic tyranny and willing to open the way for our country to freely strive to, once again, be “One Nation Under God,” and I pray you are too. It is no different than the early Christians supporting the Emperor Constantine who ended the persecution of Christians and opened the way for Christianity to thrive and grow.
As more and more people rise up and stand their ground against this evil infiltration, they will be accused of “causing division.” You and I have not moved away from our roots; our home. We remain committed to the Judeo-Christian values (Kingdom Values) of our ancestors, while the ungodly radical secularists moves further away, and points an accusing finger back at us.
St. Jude reminds us that it is the world that sets up division, not you and I …
“But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; they said to you, ‘In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.’ It is these who set up divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And convince some, who doubt; save some, by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh” (Letter of St. Jude 1:17-23).
To be clear, we are now witnessing a “Crusade” to stand against this evil infiltration in our culture. The radical secular elites are losing power as more and more people are becoming aware of their evil designs, and are “Voting Kingdom.” We must do all we can to keep this momentum moving toward God. That begins with heartfelt prayer that actually believes in the supernatural power of God.
This is a war for souls; this is a Battle for the Soul of America!!
Epiphany Holy Water for You!
To celebrate the hope of God’s bountiful blessing on this potential pivotal moment in our nation’s history, I am offering free Epiphany Holy Water to the first 1,000 who sign-up.
So, what is “Epiphany Holy Water”?
On the Vigil of the Epiphany, at St. Mary of Pine Bluff, WI, the Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum joined Fr. Z (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf), to offer the Rite for Providing Holy Water. It’s a glorious and powerful ritual.
While there is no official teaching about the superiority of one sort of holy water over another, there is an opinion that is a common one among exorcists and emerges from their experience that using solemnly blessed holy water vexes the demons during an exorcism more than simply blessed holy water.
Epiphany Holy Water is considered the most potent of holy water, because it is blessed once a year on the Vigil of Epiphany and blessed using an extensive liturgy, similar to vespers. It is mixed with exorcised salt, and the exorcism over the water is lengthier. Hence it was deemed more potent by many, especially exorcists.
Sign-up to receive your “free” Epiphany Holy Water: HERE
You have the best shot of getting in on these kinds of give-aways if you enlist in the US Grace Force here:
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