Sept. 20 – Oct. 7: US Grace Force Taking a Heroic “Last Stand”
Sept. 20 – Oct. 7: US Grace Force Taking a Heroic “Last Stand”
A “last stand” is a last resort tactic, and is chosen because the defending force realizes or believes the benefits of fighting outweigh the benefits of retreat or surrender.
In the final days of the Novena for Our Nation, we are being called to stand and fight as if everything depends on it … and it does. The demonically influenced Left has thrown and continues to throw everything at this Administration, in their panicked desire to save their sacrament of abortion. The battle is going to become even more ferocious as the nation faces an historic make or break moment with the coming Presidential election on Nov. 3rd.
In God’s providence, the first Presidential debate falls on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, and the first Vice-Presidential debate falls nine-days later on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which is Day 54 of our Novena for Our Nation.
Here’s the Battle Plan
Sept. 20 – Sept. 28: Novena to St. Michael the Archangel (Prayers will be added to Novena for Our Nation)
Pray Chaplet of St. Michael (See HERE)
(You can order a Chaplet of St. Michael anywhere online. Here is where you can find the “Combat Chaplet of St. Michael” – Order HERE)
Conclude with this Novena Prayer:
St. Michael the Archangel, we honor you as a powerful protector of the Church and guardian of our souls. Inspire us with your humility, courage and strength that we may reject sin and perfect our love for our Heavenly Father.
In your strength and humility, slay the evil and pride in our hearts so that nothing will keep us from God.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray that we may be blessed by God with the zeal to live our lives in accordance with Christ’s teachings.
St. Michael the Archangel, you are the prince of angels but in your humility, you recognized that God is God and you are but His servant. Unlike Satan, you were not overcome with pride but were steadfast in humility. Pray that we will have this same humility.
It is in the spirit of that humility that we ask for your intercession for our petitions… (Petition: Protect our nation from unGodly liberals gaining power and control)
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
September 29 – Act of Consecration to St. Michael the Archangel
O St. Michael the Archangel, most Noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies, valorous warrior of Almighty God, and zealous lover of His Glory, terror of the rebellious angels, and love and delight of all the just, desiring to be numbered among thy devoted servants, I, today offer and consecrate myself to thee, and place myself, my family and all I possess under thy most powerful protection.
I entreat thee not to look at how little, I, as thy servant have to offer, being only a wretched sinner, but rather gaze, with favorable eye, at the heartfelt affection with which this offering is made. Remember that, if from this day onward, I am under thy patronage, thou must assist me during all my life and procure for me the pardon of my many sins, and the grace to love God, my dear Savior Jesus, and my Sweet Mother Mary with all my heart. Obtain for me the help necessary to arrive at my crown of glory.
Defend me always from my spiritual enemies, particularly in the last moments of my life.
Come then, O Glorious Prince. Succor me in my last struggle. With thy powerful weapon cast far from me and into the infernal abyss that prevaricator and proud angel that thou prostrated in the celestial battle.
Saint Michael, defend us in our daily battles so that we may not perish in the Last Judgment.
(An indulgence of two-hundred days is granted to everyone who devoutly says this prayer once a day, praying for the needs of the holy Church and the Supreme Pontiff.)
September 29 – October 7 – Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception with St. Maximilian Kolbe (See HERE)
These prayers will be added to Novena for Our Nation.
October 7 – Militia Immaculata Prayer of Marian Consecration (Composed by St. Maximilian Kolbe)
O IMMACULATA, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you. I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet, humbly imploring you to take me with all that I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession and property. Please make of me, of all my powers of soul and body, of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most pleases you. If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you: “She will crush your head,” and “You alone have destroyed all heresies in the whole world.” Let me be a fit instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the most Sacred Heart of J es us. For wherever you enter you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
V. Allow me to praise you, 0 Sacred Virgin
R. Give me strength against your enemies.