Urgent! Pray for the USA!
Dear U.S. Grace Force,
I believe we are facing a watershed moment. I am feeling we need to be in intense prayer right now. Today, I received a strong calling that we should do a 54 Day Novena of intense mortification and prayer from All Saints (November 1) to Christmas (December 24).
I don’t know where folks are at. For some, this may be overkill since we just finished a 54 Day Novena. For others, they may be sensing what I am sensing, and want to go all in.
Then, after receiving this calling, I was made aware of what of these two blood brothers, Fr. James Blount and Fr. Tony Blount, have already prepared. The Blount Fathers are in exact sync with all of us.
All of the information is here: https://queenofpeacemedia.com/54days/
Also, I’m doing this every day during the novena: Don’t Go It Alone: Build Your Own Holy Alliance of Saints and Holy Souls
Here is a short video in which the Blount Fathers (brothers) explain this prayer campaign: