Grace Force Podcast Episode 45: Catholics Need to Unite! – Rising Up Against the Mob Mentality of Today
Catholics Need to Unite! – Rising Up Against the Mob Mentality of Today This week we talk with Micahel Hichborn about the need for Catholics everywhere to rise up together

Spiritual Warfare Weekend – Against Witches & Disciples of Lucifer
Special Forces Prayer Warriors, Nearly everyone is punch drunk by the shocking rise of evil in 2020. As we entered this year, I warned this year would be “brutal.” Mostly

Grace Force Podcast Episode 44: Protests and Kneeling Before the Mob – the Hidden Agenda
Protests and Kneeling Before the Mob – the Hidden Agenda We are seeing people kneeling before the growing mob, and capitulating to their cause. We need to see this as

Grace Force Podcast Episode 43: Jesse Romero – Arbp. Vigano’s Letter to the President
Children of Light vs. Children of Darkness The recent letter from Archbishop Vigano to President Trump has awoken a lot of people to the reality of a battle raging

Free Green Scapulars Touched to Relic of True Cross for Conversion & Healing
Powerful Sacramentals over the next three weeks Over the next three weeks, I will be offering very powerful sacramentals for FREE. Week One: “Green Scapular Week” Week Two: “Exorcised &

Grace Force Podcast Episode 42: Drive Out the Demons from the Land
Many of the faithful, today, are becoming acutely aware of such realities as demons in our world, as evil seems escalated in our times. Everyone knows what is at stake