USGF Prayer Campaigns
Charity to Provide Free Combat Rosaries to Military, Law Enforcement & First Responders
Madison, Wisconsin (Feb. 23, 2021) — A new nonprofit charity founded by a Catholic priest will provide free military-grade steel rosaries to U.S. military personnel, law enforcement officers and first

Day 7 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Envy
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Envy My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 6 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Vengeance
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Vengeance My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 5 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Cowardice
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Cowardice My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 4 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Predation
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Predation My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 3 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Treason
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Treason My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 2 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Despair
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Despair My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

Day 1 – Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Fear
Let Freedom Ring: Freedom from Fear My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, At a word from You the devil and his minions flee in terror. You are the source of

“Let Freedom Ring” – Ash Wednesday Marks our D-Day Invasion of Satan’s Occupied Territory!
Dear Special Forces Prayer Warriors, You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere

This Lent, Be a Part of a Godly Momentum Shift!
Many (not near enough) warned, all this past year, that a historic “momentum shift” was underway, to turn our culture and our Church in a radical direction away from God