USGF Prayer Campaigns
Elements of the 40-Day “Let Freedom Ring” Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil
Elements of the 40-Day “Let Freedom Ring” Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil Ash Wednesday begins the “Let Freedom Ring” 40-Day Challenge for freedom from the devil. We have

This Lent, Join the Grace Force! We’re Going to Expel Demons! We’re Going In!
America Needs Deliverance! On July 1, 2020, Church Pop posted an article from exorcist, Msgr. Stephen Rosetti, that sounded an enormous alarm bell: “AMERICA NEEDS DELIVERANCE!” “I love America….but it

Let Freedom Ring: 40 Days Tactical Training for Freedom from the Devil
ANNOUNCEMENT!! Lent 2021: February 17 to March 28 – 40-Days to Freedom from the Devil Beginning on Ash Wednesday (February 17), tens of thousands will be joining together for

3 “Let Freedom Ring” Priests Appearing on Grace Force Podcast!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to capacity concerns, the “in-person” event with the 3 priests at St. Mary of Pine Bluff on February 1 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. This virtual event on the

ANNOUNCEMENT: 3 Priests’ Book, “Let Freedom Ring,” is LAUNCHING!!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Our NEW BOOK, Let Freedom Ring: A 40-Day Tactical Training for Freedom From the Devil, is LAUNCHING!! Written by: Fr. James Altman Fr. Richard Heilman Fr. William Peckman Do

Auxilium Christianorum Novena – January 12 – 20
Auxilium Christianorum Novena – January 12 – 20 The Church teaches us that it is divided into the Church Triumphant (which includes the members of the Church in heaven), the

Day 54, Novena for Our Nation – No Cross, No Crown!
DAY 54 – OUR LADY OF VICTORY, PRAY FOR US NO CROSS, NO CROWN! No cross, no crown. No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. St. James summons us

Day 53, Novena for Our Nation – The Precepts
DAY 53 – OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP, PRAY FOR US THE PRECEPTS The Precepts of the Catholic Church are a description of the absolute minimum actions required of Catholics

Day 52, Novena for Our Nation – Power of Prayer
DAY 52 – OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PRAY FOR US POWER OF PRAYER The heroes of our faith are the warrior saints who have gone before us. God worked mightily

Day 51, Novena for Our Nation – “Seeking Harmony”
DAY 51 – OUR LADY OF FATIMA, PRAY FOR US SEEKING HARMONY There are actually three wounds that ravage souls and bring spiritual death to them by turning away from