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1916 Military Rosary Inspires New Combat Rosary
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z) originally broke the story. On the 100th anniversary of the original 1916 WWI Military issue rosary, during his address to the new recruits about to be

90 Day Basic Training to “Get Strong” for Novena for Our Nation on August 15
It’s Time! Yesterday, I posted on social media that “It’s Time!”… “It was an amazing and intense Lent and Holy Week. Now I am coming off a restorative vacation. I’m

God Wants YOU! Enlist in the Grace Force!
The United States Space Force (USSF) is a new branch of the United States Armed Forces, which is intended to have control over military operations in outer space. Those who

The 10 “Coincidences” Since US Grace Force Began Praying in 2016
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” -Mark 11:24 Since 2016, we have witnessed a RADICAL shift

United States Grace Force “Battle Plan” for 2019 – God Wants You!
What if we were to grow a huge military of spiritual warriors? What if this military was comprised of some of the strongest Catholics in the United States … those

New Branch of the U.S. Armed Forces – United States Grace Force
The United States Space Force (USSF) is a new branch of the United States Armed Forces, which is intended to have control over military operations in outer space. Those who

Do You Want God’s Attention? Here’s How
I think we treat God like a vending machine sometimes. I believe that’s why God – a perfect parent – asks us to show “resolve” or “effort.” He is saying,

Holiness = Low-Maintenance
St. Paul said, in today’s second reading, “…you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy.” If you boil it all down, everything we do at our parishes

The Sweetest Words Father (The Priest) Can Ever Hear
I’m not a parent, so I cannot personally attest to this experience. But, I was my parent’s child, and I watch and study other parents around me. What I am

Proud to Be a Father by Gen. Douglas MacArthur
“By profession I am a soldier, and take pride in that fact. But I am more proud, infinitely more, to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build;