Day 33 – Heavenly Christmas Novena
In the military, boot camp (or, basic training) trains soldiers for combat by instilling discipline and an unbreakable bond. When their training is complete, soldiers act more as a sacrificing, corporate body and less as self-concerned individuals. Here we will learn how to become diligent members of the Church Militant and how absolutely essential it is to move in concert with the Communion of Saints.
Today, ask yourself …
Heart: Did I pray for others today? (Holy Soul in Purgatory, Soul in need)
Soul: Did I meet my “prayer-life plan” goals?
Mind: Did I spend some time with spiritual reading? A recommended option for daily spiritual reading is the brief reflections I offer here daily (below) from my book, “Church Militant Field Manual: Special Forces Training for the Life in Christ.”
Strength: Did I meet my daily health & fitness goals?
Devil’s Tactic #2 – Divide and Conquer
The second modern tactic of the devil is actually the very ancient military strategy of “divide and conquer.” This strategy is defined as one that separates a force that would be stronger if united. As we said, the devil is roaming around like a lion that sizes up the herd to find the easiest target. He is also watching to see who is separated from the herd. Large, coordinated forces are difficult to defeat. If the enemy can separate us into small units or individuals, he can more easily defeat each one.
“Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter” (Zec 13:7). There’s no doubt that the devil has focused his assault on the religious leaders of our day. While these leaders may have had noble intentions of charity and pastoral sensitivity, the results have been devastating. Decades of lenient, non-confrontational leadership have left the faithful feeble and prone to be “conformed to the pattern of this world” (Rom 12:2). St. Augustine once said, “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.”
The unfortunate laxity of discipline has permitted confusion and strife where there should be clarity and harmony, an authentic unity based on the truth. As a result, the modern trend among those who believe and teach falsehoods that directly contradict the Church’s teaching is to consider these pockets of dissent as merely “differing tribes” within the Catholic Church. In this deceptive tribal system, those who believe in and teach all that the Church teaches are then considered extreme among these tribes.
Right or wrong, religious leadership seemed to calculate that it is better to refrain from “charged issues” for fear of offending some or even losing members. However, St. Peter Canisius cautioned: “Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were to be in collusion with the Church’s enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith.” (Excerpt from Church Militant Field Manual).
Give Spiritual Strength This Year
Christ has equipped us with weapons more splendid than gold, more resistant than steel, weapons more fiery than any flame and lighter than the slightest breeze … These are weapons of a totally new kind, for they have been forged for a previously unheard-of type of combat. -St. John Chrysostom
Seen below are among the few of many amazing tools to grow in spiritual strength at RomanCatholicGear.com.
Combat Rosary (Sterling Silver & 24k Gold)
Peace Through Strength Prayer Journal
Strength & Alliance Field Journal
Combat Rosary
Spiritual Go Bag
Spiritual Ammo Can Set
Go to RomanCatholicGear.com.