Grace Force Podcast Episode 66 – Global Governance: A Luciferian Conspiracy
Michael Hichborn – Global Governance: A Luciferian Conspiracy
What is the “New World Order”? What is the “Great Reset”? Many of us are wondering what this is all about.
We asked Michael Hichborn, President of the Lepanto Institute, to come on the Grace Force Podcast. Why? Because Michael has actually done his thesis paper on the multi-century encroachment of nefarious characters conspiring to gain global dominance. In fact, the title of his thesis is the title of this podcast: “Global Governance: A Luciferian Conspiracy.” Needless to say, this topic is a lifelong passion of Michael’s. That’s why you will be blown away as Michael Hichborn unveils so much of this “inside information” on the satanic conspiracy of this ruling class “New World Order” cabal. DON’T MISS THIS!
Please WATCH & SHARE!!
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More from Fr. Richard Heilman
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More from Doug Barry
Follow Doug on his YouTube channel and read more on the Battle Ready web site.
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