We Should Avoid Triggering Snowflakes Who Oppose the Holy Spirit … Malarkey!
Recent events revolving around Fr. James Altman led me to the whole idea of “manner and tone” (See today’s sermon, below). In today’s first reading, St. Paul exhorts us to

Saint Patrick’s Lorica for Protection for Fr. James Altman
According to LifeSiteNews … After a Catholic priest’s video message, “You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.,” went viral, his bishop appears to be taking measures to silence him

Day 28, Novena for Our Nation – Draw Your Strength From the Lord
DAY 28 – MARY, TOWER OF DAVID, PRAY FOR US! DRAW YOUR STRENGTH FROM THE LORD “We belong to the Church Militant; and she is militant because on earth the

Does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean “Letting Evil Reign”?
Does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean “Letting Evil Reign”? Of course not!! Yet clerics “use” (abuse) today’s Gospel (HERE) to give them permission to allow evil to grow in power

Grace Force Podcast Episode 56: Fr. James Altman – A True Shepherd Warns His Sheep
Fr. James Altman – A True Shepherd Warns His Sheep Fr. James Altman has become a social media phenomenon and is now a main stream media story. Why? Fr. Altman

Day 27, Novena for Our Nation – Chastity
DAY 27 – MARY, MYSTICAL ROSE, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CHASTITY! GOD’S WORD “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is

Sept. 20 – Oct. 7: US Grace Force Taking a Heroic “Last Stand”
Sept. 20 – Oct. 7: US Grace Force Taking a Heroic “Last Stand” A “last stand” is a last resort tactic, and is chosen because the defending force realizes or

Day 26, Novena for Our Nation – Continence
DAY 26 – MARY, SINGULAR VESSEL OF DEVOTION, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF CONTINENCE! GOD’S WORD “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left

My Journey with Mary, and Why I Believe We Need More Mother Angelicas Today
My Journey with Mary, and Why I Believe We Need More Mother Angelicas Today I write this on the Birthday of the Virgin Mary. I cannot begin to express my

Day 25, Novena for Our Nation – Modesty
DAY 25 – MARY, VESSEL OF HONOR, PRAY THAT WE RECEIVE THE FRUIT OF MODESTY! GOD’S WORD “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or