The Sanctuary
Turmoil surrounds us. Chaos is ever present. Terrorist attacks, violence in our cities, political anarchy, threats of wars, and so much more.
And that is not to mention the inner turmoil we experience—the many stresses of our daily lives, relationships which are frequently broken, and emotional wounds.
No wonder many are plagued by anxiety. It easy to feel at times that it is all just too much. The desire to flee to a quieter, safer place, a place of peace and calm can be strong.
I too feel the anxieties of our day. Yet there is one place where I feel truly at peace: Holy Mass.
In the presence of our Eucharistic Lord, surrounded by cherubim and seraphim and the whole company of heaven, I am at peace.
The eternal sacrifice of praise ascends to heaven. Incense rises with the prayers it signifies. Our great High Priest offers and is offered. Creatures return to their Creator the echo of his glory.
Here all is right. Here nothing is lacking. Here all is as it should be.
In the silence of adoration, in the presence of the Creator of creation, the mad rush of a violent and broken world fades away. My soul, so often tossed to and fro by anxious restlessness, finds a harbor of calm.
We call this place of worship a sanctuary. And so it is. A place of sanctity and safety. The tabernacle, the dwelling place of the Most High. It is a place cut-off, separate from the ordinary. Is this not what holiness means? Terribilis est locus iste: hic domus Dei est et porta caeli.
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