Want to Change History? Join Heaven’s Army Every Thursday, May 13 to October 7
US GRACE FORCE // Few Americans would disagree that the country is going through a dark time. In fact, recent polling shows America is more and more convinced that things are only getting darker.
And that’s just the general public. Imagine how much more concerned America’s committed Christians must be as they face the hostility of powerful corporations, cultural institutions, and government officials–together with manifold threats to religious liberty, the innocence of children, and of course the lives of the unborn.
But there are those who are facing this state of affairs head-on — taking seriously the call to fervently seek the power of the Holy Spirit to vanquish this invasion of evil. And, beginning Thursday, May 13, 2021, something historic will begin to happen, which local Christians believe is going to change the course of history.
Launched from St. Mary’s of Pine Bluff, America will begin to gather together and adore Jesus Christ, inviting Him to make Himself fully present in our land, and by His Presence, to free it from the powers of darkness. And the local Christians of Wisconsin are committed: they will continue to gather for what they are calling Heal Our Land Holy Hours every Thursday from May 13 until October 7th.
The Dates of this Enterprise are No Coincidence
In Catholic tradition, May 13 is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, as well as Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Thursday is also the day when Jesus Christ established the Eucharist — His “New Covenant” — on the night before His Passion. Finally, in 2021, May 13 is Ascension Thursday — the day when the Lord ascended into Heaven 40 days after Easter Sunday. From then, the Apostles awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
And so, Day 1 (May 13) comes one day before the beginning of the most ancient and most powerful of all novenas – The Pentecost Novena, a nine-day prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which leads right up to the Feast of Pentecost, when God first sent His Holy Spirit to transform the face of the earth. In these historic times, when evil appears emboldened, we are asking everyone to participate in the Pentecost Novena, as we BEG God for a bountiful outpouring of the Holy Spirit to Heal Our Land!
October 7, the last day of the Thursday “Heal Our Land Holy Hours,” is the traditional Feast of Our Lady of Victory (now known as Our Lady of the Rosary), and the 450th anniversary of the victory of Christian forces against invaders at the Battle of Lepanto. It’s time to gather the remnant spiritual forces and join heaven’s army in this epic battle!
Why? To “Heal Our Land”
“We believe we’re responding to an invitation from God,” said Fr. Richard Heilman, Pastor of St. Mary of Pine Bluff and the leader of this initiative, as he explains it this way:
“I am convinced that a movement of restoring Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the spiritual therapeutic for cleansing our country of demonic influence and opening the floodgates of grace that will heal our land, bringing our country back to the spiritual health of being One Nation Under God once again.”
Here, Fr. Heilman was referencing a passage of Scripture which has served to inspire these Christians, and also gives the prayer mission its name – “Heal Our Land.”
God promises in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Darkest Before the Dawn: How You Can Help Spread the Light
Fr. Heilman and others have been getting inklings that they were called to pursue this since last year, when a “Christmas Star” (actually a rare convergence of celestial bodies) appeared in the sky for the first time in nearly 800 years.
The last time this light appeared in the sky was in 1226, which “happened to be” the first year when the practice of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament spread from the confines of monasteries to the parishes of ordinary Christians.
Fr. Heilman said, “Sometimes God whispers, and sometimes He shouts.” Here, Fr. Heilman was referencing these many signs God has given us for this call for us to throw ourselves at the feet of Jesus and seek His face as we BEG God for a bountiful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this mission to grow a mighty movement of restoration of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Alphonsus Liguori said, “Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.”
Fr. Heilman also believes the offering of the Sacrament of Confession during these “Heal Our Land Holy Hours” is every bit a part of this call to humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Here’s How You Can Join
For those who are interested in organizing a Thursday “Heal our Land Holy Hour” in their own parish, Fr. Heilman recommends they develop a plan and take it to their priests for support and involvement. “Don’t ask your priests to organize it,” Fr. Heilman suggests. Instead, “create a plan and bring a full Heal Our Land proposal to them.”
And the Wisconsin group is here to help! People who are interested in joining in can go to healourlandholyhour.com for the program of prayers to get them started. Whenever they’re ready, other communities can join in any Thursday on or after May 13th through October 7th.
Please note that, for those who wish to “Join Heaven’s Army” in these Thursday “Heal Our Land Holy Hours,” and have not yet organized this in their own parish, these will be live-streamed every Thursday from St. Mary of Pine Bluff. You can find the link at healourlandholyhour.com.
Fr. James Boric of Baltimore recently said that when Christians adore the Lord in any city, “the city is transformed … when Jesus is brought into a city, things get better. Period.”
Fr. Heilman agrees. When Christians adore the Eucharistic Lord in cities all throughout America, He will hear from heaven and, indeed, “heal our land.”
Jesus said to his disciples: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you” (John 15:7). Jesus, we ask for an abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit!