USGF Prayer Campaigns

90 Days to Peace – Discover the Key that Unlocks the Secret to Peace

What Have We Learned? Many who know me, know that I tend to look for the “bright side” … I am hopeful. Today, I am full of hope (even though

Let’s Get Ready!!

On the Feast of the Presentation – Feb. 2 (2/2/22) – I will be “disclosing” the plan for the most important and most necessary spiritual journey we will take, up

Peace Through Strength in 2022

Gracie and I want to wish you a very Happy & Hopeful New Year! This year, 2/22/2022 actually falls on a Tuesday or, should we say, “Twosday”? In biblical numerology,

Get Ready for the Holidays! Free Epiphany Water & Blessed Salt

As the holiday season is upon us, I wanted to get the last of this year’s (2021) Epiphany Water and Blessed Salt out to our United States Grace Force. We

Urgent! Pray for the USA!

Dear U.S. Grace Force, I believe we are facing a watershed moment. I am feeling we need to be in intense prayer right now. Today, I received a strong calling

Make America Holy Again St. Jude Novena

Reflections “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His

Day 54, Novena for Our Nation – No Cross, No Crown!

DAY 54 – OUR LADY OF VICTORY, PRAY FOR US NO CROSS, NO CROWN! No cross, no crown. No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. St. James summons us

Day 53, Novena for Our Nation – The Precepts

DAY 53 – OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP, PRAY FOR US THE PRECEPTS The Precepts of the Catholic Church are a description of the absolute minimum actions required of Catholics

Day 52, Novena for Our Nation – Power of Prayer

DAY 52 – OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, PRAY FOR US POWER OF PRAYER The heroes of our faith are the warrior saints who have gone before us. God worked mightily

Day 51, Novena for Our Nation – “Seeking Harmony”

DAY 51 – OUR LADY OF FATIMA, PRAY FOR US SEEKING HARMONY There are actually three wounds that ravage souls and bring spiritual death to them by turning away from