Last 54 Days of 2020 – We Do NOT Accept Defeat! No! Let’s Get Strong!
I’m Fighting Back, 2020!
After the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was quoted as saying:
“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.”
If you are like me, I’m long past tired of the abuse of 2020. I’m not letting 2020 kick my behind ANY LONGER!
I’m Fighting Back! Yes, that’s right, 2020, you have awakened this sleeping giant and filled me with terrible resolve!
I am NOT accepting defeat! I am going ALL IN! I am going to GET STRONG! Both spiritually and physically.
Will you join me?
If you choose to enter this 54-Day “GET STRONG BOOT CAMP,” we will begin on Monday, November 9, and conclude on January 1, 2021, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. I will email the daily prayers and reflections for the 54-Day Rosary Novena. If you have not enlisted yet, sign-up below.
This is meant to be 54 days in which “you take care of business.” In other words, what has God been nudging you to do for some time, and you have been putting off? Maybe it is taking off that extra weight, and so maybe it’s time to work up toward those 10,000 steps a day, or even get ready for a marathon. Maybe it’s time to get that junk food you’re craving out of your diet. How has God been nudging you to get going on physical goals?
Spiritually speaking, how much time are you taking for prayer? Are you finding every excuse in the world? Mental prayer? Spiritual reading? Adoration? Rosary?
And so, these 54 days are a time for you to give your “Fiat” to God in the areas you know He has been nudging you to finally get around to doing.
So, take time this weekend praying and listening and making a plan for yourself. God is calling each of us to something unique to each of us. What is that? Write it down this weekend. Make a plan.
But, no matter what you discern to do, please pray, daily, for all of us joining together to “GET STRONG” for these 54 days.
We move out on Monday. I’m Going In!
Here’s What I Am Doing
This is not meant to be a command that all do what I am doing for these 54 days. I am just sharing what I feel God is “nudging” me to do as an example and possible suggestions. God may have been after you to get after other things for spiritual and physical health and well-being. You should discern for yourself, and customize your own plan.
Fasting & Mortification
I am connecting physical health and well-being to “Fasting & Mortification.” In other words, I am “spiritualizing” this area. I will loosen these habits a bit on Sundays and Solemnities, but not to reach a level of gluttony. I do not want these “loosenings” to derail me.
- I will eat each day between a set window of 2-4 hours. For example, 2pm to 6pm (This is also called “intermittent fasting” and is found to be healthy as it burns unwanted fat and regulates body sugar. One can widen or narrow this window and choose a different time of day that suits a lifestyle).
- I will drink only water. Coffee and Tea are also allowed.
- I will have no sweets or junk food (Allowed on exception days noted above).
- I will daily mortify the flesh with exercise (e.g., walking, strength training, etc.)
- Whenever I hunger, or sacrifice, or suffer in any way, I will offer it up as I pray a Hail Mary for the conversion of sinners and the end to abortion.
Prayer & Spiritual Life
Some of these I am already doing, some I have been lax about, and some I am adding. I feel this is a great foundational spiritual life for anybody. Realize, I have a private chapel, so getting before the Blessed Sacrament is easy. For many, it may mean coming to Mass early and/or staying later. Or, it may not be possible. Do what you feel God is calling you to do.
- Upon waking up, I will pray the Morning Offering.
- Before the Blessed Sacrament (if possible), preferably in the morning, I will spend at least 15-20 minutes each day, in meditation and quiet mental prayer.
- Before the Blessed Sacrament (if possible), preferably in the morning, I will spend at least 15-20 minutes each day reading and reflecting on the daily Mass readings.
- Before the Blessed Sacrament (if possible), preferably in the morning, I will pray the rosary daily for the following intentions:
- An end of abortion
- My growth in holiness
- For a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pope Francis and our bishops, and for a spiritual renewal in the United States of America.
- I will pray the Chaplet of St. Michael against the forces of evil in the world.
- I will pray the Angelus (6am, noon, 6pm).
- I will examine my conscience and privately ask God’s forgiveness each night.
- I will go to Confession frequently. At least once a month.
- I will wear the Brown Scapular (or Scapular Medal)
- I will renew my consecration to Mary on a regular basis (at least weekly).
- Whenever I am asked for prayers, I will journal their name and daily pray the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer for all those who asked for my prayers (this is how Padre Pio prayed for others).
- I will build my Holy Alliance each day by calling upon a Saint to pray with me for a Holy Soul in Purgatory. Then, I will ask my Holy Alliance to pray with me for those who have asked for my prayers, as I pray the Sacred Heart Novena Prayer (Learn about building your Holy Alliance HERE).
May God be with you!
I’m Going In!
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)